18 Aug Steve Rizzo
A Truly Funny and Motivational Humorist Speaker
Speech Topics Include:
- The Atti-Tools for Success
- Don’t Just Accept Change, Embrace It
- Why Not Enjoy The Process
- RIZZOS HEROES Leadership Secrets from Near and Far
- Drilling For Optimism
Through the guise of humor, renowned motivational speaker / comedian, Steve Rizzo teaches you the methods for improving opportunities and provides the skills your group needs to get to a better place at work and in life.
With a delivery that is both poignant and hilarious, Steve, affectionately known as the “Attitude Adjuster”, takes motivation and confidence building to a whole new level with his unique brand of “humor-vational” programs.
Never before has motivational content been delivered so seamlessly, in such an intensely funny, powerful and memorable way. To quote one of Steve’s clients, “Never has my group learned so much and laughed so hard in one sitting! Thanks for the ride!”
Steve shows people how to develop a Healthy Attitude toward the challenges they are confronted with each day. In his unique style, Steve will demonstrate proven techniques to your organization on how to utilize their Sense of Humor as a tool to control negative emotions and to overcome the obstacles that are keeping them from the Success, Happiness and Inner Peace they desire. Steve conveys that a Sense of Humor is more than just the ability to laugh, “It’s a unique state of mind or a positive attitude one has towards dealing with fear and adversity.”
Make your next meeting memorable, informative, funny and effective with Steve Rizzo. Don’t settle for anything less than Steve’s unique approach. Because anything less…is just that.
The Atti-Tools for Success
This highly energetic and entertaining program unlocks the secrets to the power of permanent change and a lasting positive attitude. You can be sure that your group will be feeling fantastic and walking away more productive than ever, not just for a day, but for a lifetime. Learn why Steve is known by so many as the “Attitude Adjuster.”
Don’t Just Accept Change, Embrace It
Sometimes it comes by way of choice and sometimes it is forced upon us by circumstances beyond our control. Either way, it is a part of life that is needed in order for us to grow to our full potential. Steve will show your group how to deal with one of our biggest fears in both the workplace and in our personal lives…CHANGE! Everyone will learn the skills needed to use any change to their advantage, creating greater success on all levels.
Why Not Enjoy The Process
We spend most of our waking hours at our place of employment and much of our leisure time thinking about it. We can let the stress, fast pace, and challenges control our emotions or we can lighten up, have fun, and enjoy the process. It’s always a matter of choice! Acquiring a healthy state of mind is essential in order to produce quality sales, quality customer service, teamwork, and communication. Steve will show your group how to overcome the everyday pressures that can stifle productivity and creativity in the workplace, while enjoying the process.
RIZZOS HEROES Leadership Secrets from Near and Far
Prepare to be inspired and motivated in a whole new way in this exciting program based in part on the extensive and incredible media interviews of top CEO’s, industry leaders, and everyday achievers by
Steve Rizzo. Steve will tell you inspiring stories of extraordinary leaders and their leadership’s secrets. Laugh along with Steve while you learn how to lead so others will follow you anywhere…Drilling For Optimism (For Today’s Challenging Times)Stand Up New York Style
Drilling For Optimism: Tapping into our most valuable natural resource
In times of economic distress, opportunities don’t disappear; they simply manifest in new and different ways. Optimism is the key to being able to recognize these opportunities when they arise. This program examines the real power of optimism as a currency that creates storm-weathering attitudes and allows the flexibility to identify alternate routes to success, even in this severe economic climate. Only the optimistic survive, and Steve delivers the tools necessary for tapping into the positive reserves within each of us. Prepare to dig deep, and learn why Steve is known affectionately as the “Attitude Adjuster.”