22 Sep Alison Canavan
Mindfulness Facilitator and Health & Wellness Coach
Speech Topics Include:
- More Energy, Less Stress
- The Full 360: The Mindful Path to Better Living
- The Power of Presence
- The Art of Inspirational Living-HEART
- The Full 360 Workshop: Live Better, Feel Better
- VIRTUAL – How to Keep Energy & Immunity High While Working from Home
Alison Canavan is an engaging, intuitive and transformational DreamBuilder coach. She helps people manifest their dreams into reality and live their best life. Her heart led business and 360 approach to wellbeing is innovative, inclusive and accessible to all. As a meditation teacher she understands the power of a mindful approach to living and this led her to create a “Wellbeing in the Skies” series for Ireland’s national airline Aer Lingus. This series looks at gratitude, meditation, anxiety, fear of flying, jetlag, a kids wellness corner and much more.
She is an award winning author of Minding Mum – it’s time to take care of you. The world’s first 360 selfcare book for mums focusing on Mums health and wellbeing post birth.
During quarantine her online workshops have helped thousands of people all around the world cope with the increased waves of anxiety and fear. Her workshops entitled “Keeping Energy and Immunity High” and “Envision your Life” have provided tools and support leading to incredible transformation in the collective.
Alison Canavan is a UCLA trained Mindfulness Facilitator from The Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behaviour, a Master NLP Practitioner, HeartMath facilitator and International motivational speaker.
Her interest in nutrition began having seen the destructive nature and relationship people had to health, wellbeing and food during her time in the fashion industry, where she travelled the world for nearly 20 years as one of the world’s top models. She began studying nutrition in 2009 and graduated with distinction in Nutrition and Health Coaching from the Irish Institute of Nutrition and Health (IINH) in 2015. She also holds an Advanced Diploma in Diet and Nutrition therapeutics and has a Raw Foods Mastery level 3 where she studied at The Life Change Health Institute.
Towards the end of her modelling career she fully devoted her time to her greatest passion: true health and wellbeing for all.
Helping people to join the dots in their own lives and with their own health and wellbeing is Alison’s primary goal and passion and she empowers people to do this through her fun, uplifting and interactive workshops and talks worldwide.
Alison has become a highly sought after motivational speaker and contributor to the wellness space. She spoke at The Mindful Life Conference in Washington in April 2017. She has lectured in Trinity College in Ireland on the module of Motherhood and Mental Health. She delivers talks on stress in the workplace to CEO’s and business leaders across the world and in June 2014 she chaired and spoke at the first-ever Barnardos Parental Mental Health Conference in Ireland at Croke Park.
Alison continues to contribute to Podcasts, Newspapers, Magazines and TV and Radio shows around the world including The Sunday Independent, Mindful magazine, Spirit and Destiny, The Daily Mail, Ireland AM, The 6 O’Clock show, Pregnancy and Parenting magazine, Oh Baby, VIP Magazine, Positive Life, You Magazine, Voyage LA, The Cutting Edge. Podcasts like The Living Proof, Real Health with Karl Henry, The Good Glow, Chasing Passion, The Courageous Life, Lovin.ie, Mindful Mama Podcast, Sandra Rea’s Fiercely Spiritual podcast, Alive and Kicking Newstalk, Motherly, IHeart radio to name but a few.
She also holds a diploma in PR, Marketing and Sales management from DBS and has studied business in The National College of Ireland NCI. She is also a trained DreamBuilder coach from The Life Mastery Institute in The United States.
More Energy, Less Stress
People think they need better time management, but they actually need better energy management. In a world where people feel like they are always playing catch up with a never ending to do list it can be helpful to understand energy management. Understanding energy helps us to become more present, focused, efficient, less stressed, sleep better and have better quality relationships.
In this talk I encourage you to look at energy as a currency, asking questions like; how do you spend each day? Do you save your energy for when you need it? And What habits deplete your energy and what habits are life giving?
I will take you through practices so you can experience a shift in your own energy in real time. We will also be looking at the energy of language and how you speak about yourself, and others can be energy depleting or energy giving.
Energy is also contagious and through the lens of understanding coherence we can really begin to understand the energy of stress and anxiety and transform to one of presence, patience and calm.
Key takeaways include:
- The currency of energy
- Starting your day strong–determines how you spend your energy
- My Stop, Catch, Change Technique for interrupting behavior pattern
- Coherence techniques
- Stress reduction
- The power of the breath
- Why movement matters
- The importance of letting go
The Full 360: The Mindful Path to Better Living
As a mindfulness teacher, Alison believes that awareness in all areas of our lives creates space for change. Until we fully accept who and where we are in this moment, we can’t take steps on the path to where we would like to be. Bringing mindfulness gently into all areas of your life helps to bring trained awareness to the forefront, empowering you to make better decisions, become less reactive, less stressed and more content.
For organizations, less stressed and more content individuals leads to a healthier company and greater growth.
Alison shares key tools and starting points for people focusing on her mantra that; ‘small changes done consistently bring about lasting differences in our lives’. This session includes mindful tips to gratitude, sleep and stress management.
The Power of Presence
Using the power of mindfulness, awareness, and intuition we can create positive change leading to the real results we truly desire for ourselves, our business and our loved ones.
In this talk/presentation Alison explores tools and techniques to help us tap into our potential and our true intuition.
She shares fun and interactive exercises and mindfulness techniques which helps us to experience true presence.
Most of all she asks important questions because it’s only by asking the right questions can people search within for the answers they seek.
By truly stepping on the path to knowing ourselves we can become more resilient, focused, and self-assured and confident. This leads us to become better partners, friends, coworkers and even bosses. Key takeaways include:
- Exercises to help activate the vagus nerve (also covering what this is) in the body and why it’s important
- Mindset
- Mindfulness techniques
- Coherence Practices
- Stress management
- Navigating change
- Building resilience
The Art of Inspirational Living-HEART
The Art of Inspirational Living is a H.E.A.R.T based program that covers so many of the pain points in today’s world like stress, boundaries, focus, resilience, time, values, mindfulness, and coherence.
It encompasses a Full 360 approach to living a healthy, happy, and successful life for each individual. The H.E.A.R.T technique can be applied to anyone’s life and Alison works with each individual client to tweak it to their specific needs.
The program encourages a healthy and more balanced life. Alison has trained health coaches, CFO’s, CEO’s and many more in H.E.A.R.T based living helping people to reduce stress, incorporate better daily habits and have better overall understanding of health and wellbeing.
H.E.A.R.T is currently being offered as a half day in person or over four (4) virtual sessions with exercise and challenges to do in between each session. Key takeaways include: H–HEALTH | E-EARTH | A-ACTION | R-RESPECT | T-TIME
The Full 360 Workshop: Live Better, Feel Better
The full 360 approach to health and wellbeing encourages people to look at all areas of their lives and not just one or two. Alison shares tools and techniques that help people connect, go within and create lasting change through intuition and everyday small behavioural changes. Alison firmly believes that real wellness can only truly be achieved when we connect the dots, taking a full 360 approach with our own health and wellbeing. This means looking at body, mind, spirit, our environment and the quality of our relationships.
This workshop will bring guests through different, fun techniques including mindfulness, gratitude, self-care tips and what effect our food has on our mood. Alison will also talk about looking at our toxic load and the products we use on a daily basis both in the home and on ourselves. Most women put on average 168 – 515 chemicals* onto their skin each day. This has a very strong and negative effect on our overall health and wellbeing and something Alison is passionate about spreading the word on.
The Full 360 event helps attendees make small changes that will give them the confidence to follow their dreams and to believe in themselves. Small changes make a big difference.
**Alison customizes a 44-page workbook, which should shared with each workshop attendee. Printing costs are separate from speaking fees.
Workshop topics include:
- Stress
- Meditation/Mindfulness
- Breathing
- Eating well and what that means
- Gratitude
- Daily happiness habits
- Joining the dots with your health and wellness
- Movement
- Mindset – how to change it
- Energy and vibration – what is it and how you can keep yours high
VIRTUAL – How to Keep Energy & Immunity High While Working from Home
When you can’t ‘go out’ how ‘going within’ can help you gain peace, perspective, boost immunity and lower stress.
In this online workshop Alison Canavan shares practical and accessible tools to help you stay grounded, centered and resilient during these times. This will help you to stay focused, positive, and productive while working from home.