19 Oct Andy Masters
Award-winning author and international speaker
Speech Topics Include:
- Embracing The Work- Life “Mix” With HIGHER Quality & LESS Stress
- Leadership Lessons From Hollywood!
- Embracing the NEW Workforce Revolution: Recruit, Retain, and Develop.
- Re-Imagining Your Positive Workforce Culture for the NEW Work Environment
Andy Masters IGNITES a cultural transformation to cultivate & empower future leaders, in order to improve performance, advance business growth, and transform customer experience — all within a creative, & high-morale work environment. Andy is an award-winning author and international speaker who has written 5 books, earned 4 degrees, and presented over 1,000+ entertaining and impactful programs for 100,000+ attendees. He has been featured on many major media outlets — including LifeTime Television, PBS, Investor’s Business Daily, and Leadership Excellence magazine.
Andy has earned the prestigious “CSP” award/designation of the National Speakers Association (NSA), the highest international recognition for professional speakers, in which less than 10% of over 5,000+ speakers worldwide have achieved. Andy is based in Orlando, Florida, and served as 2018/19 President of the NSA-Central Florida Chapter — representing 125+ authors, speakers, and experts in the region.
Andy’s professional career included working for two high-profile performance improvement and marketing services firms, where his clients included Lexus, Honda, Nestle-Purina, and Anheuser Busch. Andy escaped the corporate world just in time to preserve his sanity, as he followed his passion for speaking, consulting, and entrepreneurship in 2003.
Embracing The Work- Life “Mix” With HIGHER Quality & LESS Stress
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations are now suffering from a staffing crisis and are operating extremely trim. Never before have managers and employees been asked to wear so many hats, and “do more with less”–both in the office and remotely–while balancing the challenges of both work and life.
Join national Author/Speaker Andy Masters for this timely, interactive, and impactful program which truly helps attendees embrace our “New Normal” in both work and life.
- Be a light of positivity and solutions during stressful and turbulent times.
- Decrease anxiety by focusing only on those things which you can control.
- Embrace change by turning from “stressed and depressed” to “lucky and blessed”.
- Become a master of focus, prioritization, and “strategic procrastination“.
- Develop a new perspective on what is most important in your life, and career.
- Engage Andy’s mantra “either you control your schedule, or your schedule controls you.”
Andy also illustrates the life-changing “YES/NO” principle to inspire audiences to focus the most quality time possible on the activities which are most rewarding for YOU. Andy’s positive and entertaining program provides specific tools you can apply immediately to recharge, refocus, and happily embrace our “New Normal” in both work and life!
Leadership Lessons From Hollywood!
Award-winning author and Leadership expert Andy Masters creatively uses the magical imagery of Hollywood to help busy leaders RECRUIT, DEVELOP, and EMPOWER their organizations in a POSITIVE work culture—while reducing turnover and defeating the staffing crisis. That’s right, ENTERTAIN and INSPIRE your audiences with actual license-protected scenes from movies such as The Devil Wears Prada, Apollo 13, The Iron Lady—and even Office Space and X-Men. This unique program also cites the latest research from Harvard Business Review, Deloitte, and Glassdoor to provoke REAL organizational change from every attendee. Powerful leadership principles are based on Andy’s latest book “Things LEADERS Say: A Daily Guide to Help Every Leader Empower & Inspire.” Andy’s program provides attendees with not only an interactive multi-media experience, but also with immediate “take-home” action items to embrace today’s workforce revolution.
Embracing the NEW Workforce Revolution: Recruit, Retain, and Develop.
We are experiencing a workforce REVOLUTION as we try to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis. A movement. Millions of enlightened employees have spoken. They want CHANGE. And, they will only work for organizations who provide such change. Employees want family-friendly flex time. Employees want WFH/remote work options. Employees want new perks & benefits. And, they want this all in a positive work environment where they can enjoy their jobs and be developed for the future, not be overworked and under-appreciated.
Today’s leaders must use vision to be the “Champion of the Cause” in their organizations to initiate such change. REAL change. Organizations will either re-enact the “old way” of doing business and be left behind, or jump on the revolution train now. Change, and recruit the most talented candidates–who will stay. Delay change, and suffer a turnover of talented employees, while leaving a stagnant, uninspired workforce with little innovation or drive to succeed. Enjoy this this critical and timely program for all levels of leadership based on the 5th book “Things LEADERS Say: A Daily Guide to Help Every Leader Empower & Inspire“, from award-winning author and international speaker Andy Masters.
Re-Imagining Your Positive Workforce Culture for the NEW Work Environment
As the world attempts to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, organizations must now overcome recruiting challenges, staffing shortages, WFH/Remote work arrangements, high turnover, and low morale–while still in the midst of a succession planning crisis. Further, never before have managers and employees been asked to wear so many hats, and do more with less. Therefore, the time to create a positive work environment and make the workplace FUN again has never been more important. People are tired of being stressed. People want to be happy, LAUGH, and enjoy their jobs again–either in the workplace, or remotely. Employees also want to work within a positive workplace culture, which includes everything from fun, to creative perks & benefits, to family-friendly flex time and remote work options.
The incredible impacts of a positive work environment include improved recruiting, less stress, higher morale, lower turnover, greater teamwork, creativity, and even increased service levels–accomplished with LITTLE or NO costs! Join international Author/Speaker Andy Masters in this timely and entertaining program which illustrates inexpensive ways to create a positive working environment, while sharing success stories of how other organizations have RE-ENERGIZED their culture in this “New Normal” global economy.