02 Jun Bob Arno

Speaker: Bob Arno
International street-crime authority and identity theft consultant
- The art of the Steal
- Secrets of the Steal Business
- The Illicit Acquisitions Game
- Identity Theft in the Internet Age
- Travel Safety: Theft, Cons and street Scams
Bob Arno artfully blends the comedy and tragedy of thievery in his outrageous presentation, Secrets of the Steal Business. He sets up confrontations that push buttons, poke fun, and provoke the gut reactions usually held tightly in check. He touches on themes that haunt and intrigue the curious mind: treachery, risk-taking, dishonesty, and dangerous pursuits.
Time magazine called him “the world`s foremost expert on the techniques of pickpockets.” Fortune called him “a global expert” in its November 06 “Excellence Issue.” Bob is a leading international provider of theft risk management solutions for the business and leisure sectors.
As a comedy pickpocket performer, his career spans thirty years of success on four continents. He delivers some of the longest sustained laughter in corporate show business–guaranteed hysteria. Yes, Bob is “LOL” funny, but he also delivers a gripping reality. His presentations are thought provoking, timely, and deeply absorbing.
The art of the Steal
Interactive comedy pickpocket stage show blends hilarity and reality. High-impact, high-comedy, audience participation, ideally 55 minutes long. Bob excels at ice-breaking multinational audiences, and is a powerful closer at gala awards dinners. In the middle of the show, he projects a few minutes of his own footage of real street thieves in action. Audiences always find the video fascinating, and Bob follows it with a comedy spoof. With smart, timely, useful content, audiences learn through their tears of laughter. Different, powerful, side-splitting.
Secrets of the Steal Business
Keynote & comedy: timely security topics for all. Renowned travel safety expert Bob Arno shares his entertaining insight through the back door of street crime. Packed with humor and anti-theft advice, this demo-rich, destination-specific presentation is fully customizable and includes relevant video from the keynote speaker’s own archive. Regularly praised as “fascinating,” ”educational,” & “invaluable.”
The Illicit Acquisitions Game
Same as above, but less comedy, less fun, concentration on delivery of serious information. Can be booked as a second, separate presentation with The Art of the Steal.
Identity Theft in the Internet Age
Bob Arno is an international street-crime and diversion theft authority. He scouts the world’s major cities to track and film con artists and scamsters in action. His extraordinary footage, frequently used on news- and talk-shows, is a highlight of his presentations. It reveals creative ruses, brazen thefts, secret MOs, and techniques in identity theft never before documented. Many hours of interrogation of thieves have given Bob a unique insight into the mind and manners of identity thieves and their latest tricks-of-the-trade. Bob stresses the importance of simple and serious steps to reduce exposure and risk of ID theft.
Travel Safety: Theft, Cons and street Scams
In today’s climate of fear and suspicion, we all seem to be looking over our shoulders when we travel. But do we know what to look for? Would we know a bad guy if we saw one? Criminologist Bob Arno practically guarantees the safety of his attendees after this show-and-tell lecture. Illustrated with demonstrations, brought to life with video, and peppered with anecdotes, this keynote speaker’s upbeat presentation teaches awareness and how to spot suspicious behavior. Talks are tailored for specific audiences according to travel sophistication level, and may be general or customized for particular itineraries. Usually, the world’s favorite tourist destinations are covered. For each country and city discussed, Bob defines the creative ruses used to con or rob a tourist and shows video examples of actual incidents. Each MO is admirable for its sheer deviousness.