09 Jun Bruce Clark

Speaker: Bruce Clark
America’s foremost visionaries and authorities on the business and marketing implications of the new consumer, Co-founder of Age Wave and Impact Presentations Group
- A “New” Consumer Marketplace
- 80 million “New” Mature Consumers
- Redefining Healthcare in Post-Reform America
- It’s About “Health Purpose” not “Health Policy”
- The Demise of the Patriarchal System — The Healthcare Cost, Insurance and Benefits Crisis Continues Post Reform
Dr. Bruce Clark has emerged as one of America’s foremost visionaries and authorities on the business and marketing implications of an aging population. In 1986, he co-founded Age Wave LLC., the leading marketing communication firm specializing in baby boomers and mature consumers. He also co-founded IPG, a firm created to guide organizations in advertising, customer service and alternative futures.
Many of his groundbreaking business initiatives in financial services, healthcare and consumer products, among other industries, have significantly defined this emerging market niche. He works extensively with the boards and management teams of leading companies world-wide implementing IPG’s proprietary LifeChange/LifeChoice consumer segmentation model to maximize sales and marketing results.
A nationally acclaimed speaker, Dr. Clark’s presentations are uniquely enriched by his research-based consumer knowledge and his award winning concept of “Experiential Learning”. By combining the best in modern presentation technology and 20 years of cutting edge research, he creates an “experience” in learning that is insightful, entertaining, and sets a new standard for keynote presentations and corporate education. He has published extensively and is called on frequently by the national media for his candid observations and strikingly accurate predictions.
Among Dr. Clark’s most prominent accomplishments has been the production of the 20-part PBS series Caring for an Aging Society which won Business TV Magazine’s award for the “Most Important Social Contribution Made Through Business Television”. He recently helped launch the Mature Market Study, an ongoing research panel of 3,500 boomers and seniors in 20 major U.S. markets. In addition, he is currently managing a national study focused exclusively on quantifying the consumer dreams and aspirations of “the new mature consumer”.
A “New” Consumer Marketplace
What recent research reveals about the perspectives of providers, employers and consumers on the future of healthcare, what consumers want from their healthcare provider, and strategies for successfully segmenting this emerging market. What this “new mature consumer” wants from healthcare and the business opportunities that are about to emerge.
80 million “New” Mature Consumers
80 million baby boomers are entering their high utilization years with unprecedented service demands, a redefinition of quality and little in common with the previous generations “reverential” approach to their healthcare providers. This will be the most demanding and skeptical consumer to ever inhabit a “waiting room”. What are the service and quality demands of this new mature consumer?
Redefining Healthcare in Post-Reform America
In this program, Dr. Bruce Clark delivers 6 trends that will redefine our future in healthcare.
It’s About “Health Purpose” not “Health Policy”
What matters most for your constituents in post-reform America is to stay laser-focused on how customer/patient needs and concerns are evolving vs. getting to mired in the details of reform. For them, it is about “health purpose” vs. “health policy”. You want attendees leaving your meetings thinking about the opportunity they have to make a real difference in the lives of millions of mature consumers who are uncertain at this transformative moment in American HC.
The Demise of the Patriarchal System — The Healthcare Cost, Insurance and Benefits Crisis Continues Post Reform
As consumers enter their high utilization years, “faith in” healthcare is being replaced by “fear of” healthcare. Healthcare costs and the loss of insurance and benefits consistently rank at the top of lists of what consumers fear most. Just as Americans have had to assume the burden of financing their retirement, they are now confronted with the additional burden of financing their families’ healthcare. The defining characteristics of patients in a post healthcare reform world