08 Jun Dan Clark

Speaker: Dan Clark
Best Selling Author and Award-Winning Athlete
- Change – “The Hard Is What Makes It Great”
- Increasing Productivity – “Taking It To The Next Level”
- Managing Relationships – “Million Dollar Habits”
- Team Building – “Just Win Baby”
Dan Clark is CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation, an internationally recognized Speaker, Entertainer, Songwriter/ Recording Artist and New York Times Best Selling Author. Since 1982, Dan has spoken to more than 3 million people in over 4,000 audiences, in all 50 states, and in 30 foreign countries. Achievers North America and Achievers Europe named Dan one of the Top Ten Speakers in the World!
Dan is the primary contributing author to the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and author of twenty of his own best selling books, including “Puppies for Sale” which was made into a film at Paramount Studios starring the late Jack Lemmon. Dan has been published in more than 30 million books in 30 languages worldwide!
Dan suffered a paralyzing injury that cut short his football career. Sixteen doctors told him he would not recover, but recover he did! Since then, Dan has flown in fighter jets twice the speed of sound, raced automobiles in Germany and was honored to carry the Olympic Torch in the 2002 Winter Games. Dan has been the general session speaker at the United Nations World Congress, conducted UN leadership training in Europe, Asia and Russia, and was the keynote speaker at the U.S. Air Force Four Star Generals conference. Dan has spoken to our combat troops all over the world, is a Leadership and Character Development Consultant for the US Armed Forces, has worked with Fortune 500 companies, NASA and Super Bowl champions. Dan’s inspirational story has been featured on over 500 TV and radio shows, in Entrepreneur Magazine and as the feature article in Mayo Clinic Magazine. Dan is one of the most in demand speakers in America and recognized expert on Managing Change, Building Winning Teams and Taking Life To The Next Level!
Change – “The Hard Is What Makes It Great”
If change was easy, everybody would do it. Change is painful, but pain is a signal to grow not to suffer. Once we learn the lesson the pain is teaching us, the pain goes away. Change from the outside-in is reactive which creates pressure. Change from the inside-out is proactive which creates power. Finding the opportunity in change reveals there is never a financial crisis, only an idea crisis. When we get our idea and attitude right, our abilities will catch up. Creating change is important. For we will not have regrets for things we did, we will only have regrets for things we did not do.
Increasing Productivity – “Taking It To The Next Level”
We’re told to think outside the lines, think outside the box. What if the answers are still in the box? Most come to conventions in search of new answers when what we need are the right answers. None of us can exceed our potential, we just misjudge it. We can only exceed expectations. When we believe if best is possible, good is not good enough and realize it’s what we do when leadership is not around that makes us champions, we reach our full potential and “Take It To The Next Level” – not because it is expected by others, but because it is demanded by ourselves!
Managing Relationships – “Million Dollar Habits”
(In Downsizing or Mergers & Acquisitions, Dan will mesh the remaining personalities into one organization).
The only place from which a person can grow is where he or she is. We must go where they are physically an emotionally. Only there can we invite them to grow. Herein lies the secret to World Class Leadership, Management, Sales and Customer Service. If price is the issue, it means the presentation was weak and the relationship needs nurturing. Sales is everybody’s business: Customer Service is not a department, it’s an attitudinal habit. We must focus on purposes instead of just setting goals.
Team Building – “Just Win Baby”
Teams lose, winning teams don’t. Whoever said “It’s not about whether you win or lose that counts. . .” probably lost. Companies go bankrupt every day and they are a team. They coach results instead of behavior. They compete against their “Plan” instead of against their competition. No one on the team can confuse Activity with Accomplishment. Winning has two “I’s” in it: Independent Individual Preparation and Interdependent Collaboration. The teams that win have the most “I-players” on them.