08 Jun Dave Carey

Speaker: Dave Carey
Former Navy Pilot, POW, & Motivational Speaker
- Doing What You Have To Do . . .
- Doing Your Best . . .
- Humor In Emotional Chaos . . .
- Keeping Faith In Yourself… In Others… In America… In God . . .
Speaker Dave Carey is a sought after motivational speaker, trainer, and consultant who is uniquely qualified to inspire audiences, and to assist organizations with leadership development, team building, and organizational development efforts. He is the author, of “The Ways We Choose, Lessons for Life From A POW’s Experience.”
As a Navy pilot during the Vietnam war, Dave’s aircraft was destroyed over North Vietnam by a surface-to-air missile. He spent five and one half years as a P.O.W. in the infamous “Hanoi Hilton.” This experience taught him timeless lessons that have application in all of our lives.
As a motivational speaker Dave Carey relates his story as a P.O.W. to help people better understand the prison-like aspects they may experience in their personal and professional lives. Told with intensity and humor, he inspires and empowers others to overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties and to gain a renewed sense of purpose, perspective, satisfaction, and control over their circumstances.
Dave also coaches individuals and groups for business and personal growth. He served as Director of Development for the SYMLOG Consulting Group and has been an adjunct staff instructor at the Center for Creative Leadership. He has extensive experience in both private and public sectors. Dave has been one of a very few consultants certified by the state of California to conduct team building for law enforcement agencies in the state. His programs on value-centered leadership, team building and organizational development are powerful, practical, and filled with performance improving content.
A graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Dave is a retired Navy Captain. He was three times a Commanding Officer and the Director of the Navy’s premiere site for leadership and management training. He personally conducted training seminars for prospective commanding officers and senior government service employees.
Among Captain Carey’s military awards are the Legion of Merit, five Bronze Stars, two Meritorious Service Medals, the Purple Heart, eight Air Medals, and the Navy Commendation Medal.
Audiences and clients include diverse groups and organizations such as: Phillips-Van Heusen, Aetna, AT&T Wireless, ARCO, 3M, Starbucks, Group Health Cooperative, IBM, Microsoft, Superba, McDonnell Douglas, Owens Corning, EDS, Merck, Ohmeda, Novartis, Hewlett Packard, Toyota South Africa, Solar Turbines, US Navy, Experian, Caterpillar South Africa, Taylor Engineering, Guidant Corporation. Numerous references are available.
Speaker Dave Carey has recently added the equipment for high quality video conferencing presentations to his speaking practice. He has done numerous video presentations to groups as small as 25 and as large as 3000. By bringing Dave to your audiences via video you can save all expenses. Please contact us for details.
Doing What You Have To Do . . .
Dave’s motivational message stresses that each of us has the opportunity and the power to
make every day a little better, in spite of, not because of the events that occur.
Doing Your Best . . .
Success comes not so much as a result of overcoming adversity, but as a result of using that
adversity creatively. Learn how to face hard choices—successfully.
Humor In Emotional Chaos . . .
See how the power of humor can affect positive changes in our lives.
Keeping Faith In Yourself… In Others… In America… In God . . .
Our faith is crucial to our survival. Commitment, faith, friendship, and mutual support are
the keystones to a successful and meaningful life.