10 Jun Derek Daly

Speaker: Derek Daly
International Racing Champion, CEO and Founder of MotorVation and Best-Selling Author
- Complete Champion Culture of Extraordinary: The Power of Peoples Inner Drive
- Complete Champion Leadership: How Fast Can You Get Fast?
- Complete Champion Innovation: Driving to the Limits of Possibility
- Complete Champion Teams: How to AccSELLerate your Team
The admired skills of the world’s most successful motorsports teams—speed, agility and flawless execution—mirror the skills necessary for the successful organizations of the future. A successful entrepreneur, media personality and professional auto racer, Keynote speaker Derek Daly helps teams reach their full potential.
Born and raised by a working class family in Dublin, Ireland, Derek Daly went from being a laborer in the iron ore mines of Australia to a 17 year career as a professional race car driver at the highest levels. He was almost killed in 1984 when he survived the hardest crash impact a race driver had ever survived. After 14 surgeries and three years in therapy he returned to racing to win the biggest international races of his career. His years competing in the Indianapolis 500 led him to conduct original research with some of the world greatest names in the sport of auto racing to determine why some teams become Complete Champions and others fail.
No sport in the world has such innovative techniques and effective processes that allow select teams of people to celebrate on the Victory Podium. Complete Champion teams have unique and deliberate speed culture components, matched to inspired individuals. They live on the stretched outer edge of what might be possible. Because this research parallels business and life so closely, as a speaker Derek Daly uses his findings as the basis of his presentations. After racing in Formula One and at the Indy 500, he then moved to a twenty-year television broadcasting career with ESPN, CBS Sports and Fox Sports—USA Today called him the “best new face on sports television.” In 2008, MBI Publishing released Derek’s first book, Race to Win, How to become a Complete Champion.
The Culture Gearbox: How to shift from Good to Great to Extraordinary
Remember Good to Great? Today, it has shifted from Great to Extraordinary. Align this platform to the right culture, and you develop something truly unique; a Culture of Extraordinary. You will understand how to think and act differently as you push your people to the edges and boundaries of what might be possible. You will embrace what it means to go beyond your best. Derek uses powerful, real-life sports analogies in a unique, compelling and often hilarious manner, that leaves audiences in awe. The US Government has used this topic multiple times.
The Speed of Now: How Fast Can You Get Fast?
If the speed of doing business continues to increase in the next 10 years; ask yourself, How Fast can you get Fast? Derek takes you down the success road to understand the critical difference between going fast and being fast. You will grasp how to remove the Speed Bumps that slow you down. You will learn how to achieve trailblazing performance and why corporations sometimes struggle to emulate these valuable traits. This topic has energized both male and female audiences from California to the Czech Republic.
SAFE Teams: How to AccSELLerate your Team
Whether you buy or sell, you need to do it with Speed Agility & Flawless Execution (SAFE). Understand how your team can make critical performance gains by embracing intelligent risks. You will rejoice in the fact that a better You makes a better Us. Your teams will be equipped to celebrate success more often on the Victory Podium. Enter this presentation an individual; leave as a teammate, and AccSELLerate.
Your FutureSCAPE: Driving to the Dream Job Offer
What will your future career landscape look like? What will you need to accomplish to receive that dream job offer? Derek will take you on a captivating tour of what great teams will expect from their most valued employees in the coming decade. You will know the filter that you have to pass through. MBA and engineering students from Michigan to North Carolina have relished this understanding.
Derek Daly About Derek Daly F1 Racing Legend & Speaker - Collaborative Agency Group
Derek Daly 5 Factors of FAST - Collaborative Agency Group
Derek Daly On Preparation - Collaborative Agency Group
Derek Daly Culture of Extraordinary - Collaborative Agency Group
Derek Daly Lets do this together - Collaborative Agency Group