23 Jun Don McMillan

Speaker: Don McMillan
“Technically Funny”, named #1 Corporate Comedian by CBS BNET!
- PowerPoint Driven Comedy Show
- Doses of Don
- Fake Expert
Don McMillan graduated from Stanford University with a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1982. (He has a BSEE from Lehigh University) He went to work for AT&T Bell Laboratories where he worked as part of the team that designed the world’s first 32-bit Microprocessor. He then moved to the Silicon Valley (San Jose, California) where he worked at VLSI Technology as a computer chip designer. During his 6 years at VLSI he designed more than 50 Standard and ASIC Designs many of which are still out there today.
After winning the 16th Annual San Francisco International Stand-Up Comedy Competition in 1991, Don turned in his chips for a microphone. He went on to be $100,000 Grand Champion on “Star Search” in 1993. He’s had numerous television appearances including “The Tonight Show” on NBC, CNN’s “The Larry King Show”, MTV’s “Half Hour Comedy Hour”, and A&E’s “Evening at the Improv”. Nowadays, you can catch Don headlining comedy clubs from the “Improvisation” to “Catch-A-Rising Star” across the country.
Don McMillan does not just do a “standard” 45-60 minute stand-up “canned” comedy routine. In fact, he has several different 45–60 minute shows (see “Comedy Solutions” below) and also offers several “out-of-the-box” comedy solutions. That makes him the world’s first CSP (Comedy Services Provider). Don works with you to create comedy specifically for your event. He talks with you well ahead of time to write custom jokes and sketches unique to your company or event. (See the ASIC Design Flow below) Don also creates PowerPoints just for you. AND – the best part – you get to review his PowerPoints ahead of time so you get to see exactly what will be in Don’s show. This way you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the show with everyone else.
BUT, it doesn’t have to be just one 45-60 minute show. Because of Don’s unique background (12 years working as an engineer and manager in Silicon Valley and 18 years doing stand-up comedy), he is able to “integrate” his comedy into your event.
PowerPoint Driven Comedy Show
Don can perform after dinner, at lunch, to start the day, or anywhere in between to break up a long day of speakers and re-invigorate your audience. Don’s show is written specifically for your audience. He works with each group and develops a unique comedy show for your company, group, or event. Don’s show will entertain, motivate, invigorate, relieve stress, and enlighten corporate groups.
Doses of Don
Don can break his show into a number of shorter segments spread throughout the day. Recently, Don did 10 minutes to open an event, 10 minutes after the morning break, 10 minutes after lunch. 10 minutes following the afternoon break, and 15 minutes to close the day’s session. This works to energize the audience and give them a break from a long day of information-intense speakers.
Fake Expert
Don will “pretend” to be an author and/or consultant giving a serious talk on “Improving Communication Skills”, “The 3 Keys to Leadership”, “The Future of Technology”, or a topic that you and he develop just for your event. Don starts out serious and slowly gets