30 Jun Don Peppers

Speaker: Don Peppers
Author of Revolutionary Customer Relationship Management Guidebook, “The One to One Future” and Founding Partner, Peppers & Rogers Group
- Customer Loyalty
- Customer Strategy
- Data Analytics
- Employee Engagement
- Sales Effectiveness
- Social Media
Recognized for more than 20 years as one of the world’s leading authorities on customer-focused business strategies, keynote speaker Don Peppers is an acclaimed author and a founding partner of Peppers & Rogers Group, the world’s premier customer-centric management consulting firm. The Times of London has listed Don among their “Top 50 Business Brains,” Accenture has included him in its global list of the “Top 100 Business Intellectuals,” and the U.K.’s Chartered Institute for Marketing put him on its inaugural listing of the “50 most influential thinkers in marketing and business today.”
Speaker Don Peppers has a popular voice in the worldwide media, and writes frequently as an “expert blogger” for Fastcompany.com. His thought leadership, keynote presentations, and executive workshops routinely focus on the business issues that today’s global enterprises are grappling with, while trying to maintain a competitive edge in their marketplace.
With co-author Martha Rogers, Ph.D., Peppers has produced a legacy of international best-sellers that have collectively sold well over a million copies in 18 languages. Peppers’ and Rogers’ newest book, their ninth, is Extreme Trust: Honesty as a Competitive Advantage. It suggests that social networks and rapidly increasing transparency have combined to raise customer expectations regarding the trustworthiness of the companies and organizations they deal with. Extreme Trust follows Rules to Break & Laws to Follow, published in 2008, and named as the inaugural title to Microsoft’s “Executive Leadership Series.” This book addressed the challenges of succeeding in a world where networked customers and engaged employees hold immense power over your brand, making it doubly dangerous to succumb to the kind of rampant short-termism that characterizes many businesses today.
Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty is an integral part of creating customer relationships. Gain best practices for locking in brand loyalty and driving profits. 1to1 Media’s content on customer loyalty will help you serve customers, generate bottom-line results and drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Customer Strategy
1to1 Media strives to inspire marketers and forward-thinking executives to make customer-based initiatives the centerpiece of their growth strategy. View the latest thinking and content around customer strategy to help your organization stay ahead of the competition.
Data Analytics
Data Analytics can help companies form stronger and longer lasting relationships with their customers and ultimately lock in brand loyalty and drive profits. View the latest trends and best practices on data analytics to builder deeper customer relationships, improve customer satisfaction and lock in loyalty.
Employee Engagement
Happy employees lead to better customer experiences and improved business results. Companies that work toward enhancing employee awareness and showing appreciation in the workplace increase productivity, retention and job satisfaction. 1to1 Media offers the latest content on employee engagement including trends and best practices from companies that are turning employee engagement into customer experiences that get results.
Sales Effectiveness
Sales effectiveness is about managing customers across the customer lifecycle. The goal: build loyalty while focusing on cross-sell and up-sell opportunities that boost the bottom-line. View 1to1 Media content on sales effectiveness to serve your clients across the customer lifecycle, drive bottom-line results, and generate customer loyalty.
Social Media
From blogs, to videos, to social forums like Facebook or Twitter, our editors stay on top of the latest trends and best practices around social media. View more 1to1 Media content on social media that will help keep your organization up to speed with the emerging technologies that are re-defining sales, marketing and customer service.
Customer Service
Customer service is not just about solving one customer problem at a time. To really improve customer satisfaction, you need an enterprise approach to resolving customer issues, capturing the insight that this interaction generated and communicating it across the organization. This holistic approach creates customer advocacy and engagement. 1to1 Media’s customer services content offers best practices for your customer service strategy and prescriptive advice on how you can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Customer Experience
The customer experience is the sum total of all interactions that a customer has with a business across all channels. In the new customer economy, companies that place a stronger emphasis on enhancing the customer experience will gain competitive advantage. View the latest content by 1to1 Media around customer experience that strives to help organizations create experiences that lock in loyalty and drive profits.
Emerging Trends
1to1 Media highlights emerging business around customer strategy to help you prepare for the future. Stay ahead of the curve with content that brings to light new marketing and business paradigms that will excite, inform and inspire you to think differently about your business.
The future of business marketing starts with the customer, and 1to1 Media experts bring you to the leading edge of strategic thinking. Our innovative ideas will challenge current business and marketing approaches. With expertise that cuts across major industry verticals, our experts have a deep understanding of the value levers that drive growth. View the latest trends and best practices on how a customer focus is driving more efficient and effective marketing.