16 Jun Erica Ariel Fox

Speaker: Erica Ariel Fox
Author of Winning from Within: A Breakthrough Method for Leading, Living, and Lasting Change & lecturer at Harvard Law School
- Leadership
- Organizational Performance
- Personal Performance
- Women & Leadership
- Change Management
- Negotiations
Erica is a respected thought-leader, a senior advisor to Fortune 500 companies, a trusted public sector consultant, a Harvard Law School negotiation lecturer, a global citizen, an acclaimed author, and your guide to Winning from Within™.
A long-time lecturer at Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation (PON) and a founding partner at Mobius Executive Leadership. A highly sought-after advisor, Erica works with her partners at Mobius to develop the capabilities of top teams and emerging leaders around the world in both Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations. She also serves as a Senior Advisor to McKinsey Leadership Development.
After nearly two decades of experience coaching senior executives and public sector change agents, Erica developed the seminal Winning from Within method, teaching people to negotiate effectively with themselves in order to better manage high stakes conversations and derive more from their personal and professional endeavors.
Erica’s powerful Winning from Within™ method is now the subject of her first book, Winning from Within: A Breakthrough Method for Leading, Living, and Lasting Change.
Organizations continue to grow in complexity, velocity, and intensity. This new world demands extraordinary and adaptive leadership. Erica Ariel Fox will share a powerful and practical approach for developing and demonstrating this new leadership. It takes only four stories for leaders to understand how to demonstrate a broader and more effective set of leadership skills. And in her presentation she shares a seven step method for widening your leadership range and closing what she coins your “performance gap”—the distance between your intrinsic skills and your actual behavior in high stakes situations.
Organizational Performance
Most organizations and leaders continue to struggle with the question of how to engage employees. Erica Ariel Fox will share a powerful and practical approach for communicating and negotiating in ways that will increase employee engagement while also strengthening both strategic alignment and personal commitment to excellence. Erica’s presentation illustrates four different leadership domains organization’s need to unleash to achieve sustained high-level performance.
Personal Performance
Many successful leaders and executives continue to feel a sense of burnout, loss of personal direction, and/or unfulfilled destiny. They often ask themselves, “Is this all there is?” “How can I find more meaning in what I do all day?” and “What’s next for my career and my life?” Erica Ariel Fox will share a powerful and practical approach for leaders to envision, plan, and take action toward a life of greater personal satisfaction and enhanced performance. Winning from Within™ can help leaders of any tenure to understand how to shape and pursue a more fulfilling destiny.
Women & Leadership
As many organizations focus on increasing women in leadership roles at the top of the house and women actively being groomed in the succession pipeline, women will be asked to step into increasingly powerful and visible leadership roles. Erica Ariel Fox will share an inspirational and practical approach for women to find and strengthen their authentic leadership presence and executive voice. Offering a clear and compelling seven step path to higher performance the Winning from Within™ method helps women leaders negotiate more effectively, raise their aspiration levels, build stronger networks, take bolder risks and have more meaningful lives both professionally and personally.
Change Management
In any organization undertaking a significant performance transformation the impacted employees will suffer “switching costs” including stress, overwhelm and ambiguity. Old habits and mindsets no longer serve the new organizational values and vision. Erica Ariel Fox offers a road map for remaining centered during turbulent times and changing habitual patterns of thinking and interacting. Winning from Within™, offers a systematic seven step leadership process, that unleashes individual development and collective energy and renewal, allowing organizations to undergo large scale culture change while remaining aligned, inspired and accountable for results.
Have you ever ended a negotiation and wondered, “Why didn’t I say X?” or Why DID I say Y?” or maybe “Why didn’t that go the way I had planned?” Erica Ariel Fox will share a powerful and practical approach for improving your effectiveness by negotiating with yourself first both as part of your preparation and during particularly challenging situations. Presenting the latest findings from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, Winning from Within™ contends that the most important negotiations you have every day are with yourself. This presentation offers a roadmap for how to do that effectively and when it really counts both professionally and personally.
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