Chasms, Bowling Alleys, Tornadoes, and Main Street: Marketing High Tech in the 21st Century
Drawing on his best-selling books, Crossing the Chasm and Inside the Tornado, business speaker Geoffrey Moore traces the path markets take through the Technology Adoption Life Cycle and explains what vendors must do to succeed at each stage.
Darwin and the Demon: Innovating Within Established Enterprises
Caught between the Darwinistic forces of globalization and commoditization, and the demon of corporate inertia, established enterprises are increasingly challenged to innovate. In this fascinating keynote speech, consultant Geoffrey Moore leverages his life cycle models to outline a broad range of innovation strategies and align them with a category’s current stage of market development.
Core vs. Context: Reallocating Resources for Competitive Advantage
When processes no longer result in marketplace differentiation, they go from being core to context, but all too many continue to consume the bulk of an enterprise’s resources. Building on the material in his most recent bestseller, Living on the Fault Line, business speaker Geoffrey Moore explains how the resulting decline in revenues and margins can be overcome through aggressive resource reallocation and human capital renewal.
Provocation-Based Selling: How to Break and Enter Established Markets
Selling disruptive innovations requires a special approach as markets are self-organized to privilege incumbents and exclude challengers. The key is to win over the ever-elusive executive sponsor. Drawing on six years of experience as a venture partner at Mohr Davidow Ventures, Geoffrey Moore explains how start-ups have learned to get past the gatekeepers and capture the attention and support of line-of-business executives.
Managing Company Culture: No Hot Tubs Required
While it is generally acknowledged that company culture has a huge impact on the success of enterprises, there have been few models that help executives understand and leverage culture as part of the management toolkit. Building on the material in his most recent bestseller, Living on the Fault Line, Geoffrey Moore lays out models and methods for a no-nonsense approach to the topic that has deep implications for leadership and change management initiatives.
Five Stages of Marketing Maturity: Where is Your Organization?
Based on 25 years of marketing experience in the high-tech sector, Geoffrey Moore lays out his Marketing Maturity Model, tracing the evolution of a start-up’s marketing from a nice homepage to global domination. Along the way he gives audience members a complete set of diagnostics to see where their organization fits in the progression and what elements they might want to focus on next.