26 Jun Ian Morrison

Speaker: Ian Morrison
Healthcare Futurist and Author
- The Second Curve: Managing the Velocity of Change
- The Future of the Health Care Marketplace: Life in the Gap and Life in the Game
With his eye firmly focused on the horizon, futurist and keynote speaker Ian Morrison looks at where we’re going and how to plan for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Using the present to discover implications for the future, speaker Ian Morrison helps audiences plan for long-term success by identifying the driving forces shaping their destiny. Drawing on cutting-edge research and practical experience as a consultant in the field, Morrison he shows listeners how to recognize the unexpected opportunities that transform an organization, an industry or a life. With signature Scottish wit, keynote speaker Ian Morrison engages audiences and show them how to manage the velocity of change and turn it into tangible bottom-line solutions. Author or co-author of seven books, including the best-seller The Second Curve: Managing the Velocity of Change, Morrison heads his own consulting firm and is chairman of the Health Futures Forum. Previously he served as president of The Institute for the Future.
The Second Curve: Managing the Velocity of Change
The thesis of Ian Morrison’s The Second Curve: Managing the Velocity of Change is that most businesses in most industries are going along quite nicely on their first curve (their core business) where they make all their profit and revenue. Then along comes a second curve – a new business or completely new way of doing business – that threatens to replace the first curve. The second curve is driven by the confluence of three powerful driving forces: new technologies, such as the Internet; new consumers, who are smarter, more affluent, more skeptical and more demanding than the previous generation; and new markets, such as China, with its 1.2 billion consumers. The challenge is to gauge how fast the second curve will take over and develop strategy accordingly. All of the current profit is on the First Curve, all of the future growth is on the Second Curve. But there is a natural human tendency to overestimate the impact of phenomena in the short run, and underestimate it in the long run. The key is to understand and manage the velocity of change.
The Future of the Health Care Marketplace: Life in the Gap and Life in the Game
With the historic passage of health care reform legislation, the American healthcare system looks to the future. The full impact of the new legislation will not be felt until 2014 and beyond, but in the meantime, all health care stakeholders must deal with “Life in the Gap” before new provisions are implemented. At the same time, all health care stakeholders must prepare for the new emerging reality of health care reform and try to determine what “Life in the Game” will be like in a reformed system in 2014 and beyond. Organizations and individuals need to be flexible to adjust to additional modifications in the reform agenda, including the push for more widespread reimbursement reform, the growth in transparency and accountability and the relentless quest for value in healthcare. This presentation will focus on the political, economic and strategic context of change in healthcare, describe the possible scenarios we face and examine how the various actors are preparing for the future. It will identify the leadership challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and will provide strategic insights on how organizations and individuals can flourish in the future.