15 Jun James O’Loghlin
One of Australia’s most respected and recognizable media personalities with a passion for Practical Innovation.
Speech Topics Include:
Overcoming Crisis Through Innovation
Innovation is a State of Mind
Overcoming Barriers to Innovation
Creating an Innovation Culture
James O’Loghlin is one of Australia’s most respected, entertaining and experienced corporate speakers, master facilitator, corporate comedians and media personalities, best known as the host of over 300 episodes of “The New inventors” on ABC-TV, and for his witty and entertaining programs on ABC Local Radio.
He has been delighting corporate audiences with his unique brand of corporate comedy for over a decade and is equally at home giving keynote speeches on innovation, acting as MC for awards nights and conferences and facilitating panel discussions.
From criminal lawyer, to comedian to media personality and presenter James has a wealth of experience. It was his role as the host of the New Inventors that fueled James’ interest in innovation, a subject upon which he now regularly gives keynote speeches. He explores practical things we can all do every day to become more innovative, and about the ways in which companies can create a culture that encourages innovation. After many years of work in Australia he is a favorite with Australian audiences and event planners, James is a true industry professional with hundreds of successful live events to his credit.
Overcoming Crisis Through Innovation
We have been living in an era of disruption and rapid change for some time, but never before have we faced changes as rapid and drastic as those caused by the Coronavirus. Suddenly, everything is different. Over the next few months organizations and businesses will face big challenges. To meet them, they will have to find new and better ways of doing things. More than ever before, your people need to be equipped with the skills they need to be innovative, so they can be constantly coming up with better ways of doing things.
In eight years hosting ABC-TV’s ‘The New Inventors’ James O’Loghlin worked with over a thousand innovators, and in his entertaining and thought-provoking keynote and/or workshop he will share practical strategies to equip your people with the skills they need to be innovative every day.
In this session you will learn:
- An understanding of how innovation happens; the 3 things innovators do better than others
- Easy-to-implement strategies to identify opportunities for innovation in your business and take advantage of them
- How to create an organizational culture that encourages everyone to be innovative
- How to quickly and cheaply identify the best new ideas and implement them”
Innovation is a State of Mind
How often do you have days when you are so busy you don’t have time to think? Days when there isn’t one spare moment to think about how you can improve the way that you do things? No matter how well your business is doing today, if you keep doing things the same way, in 10 years’ time – maybe less – you will have been left behind. To stay relevant and successful, businesses need to keep coming up with better ways of doing things. In eight years hosting ‘The New Inventors’ ex-Australian lawyer James O’Loghlin met hundreds of people who thought outside the box and came up with new and better ways of doing things.
During this corporate keynote James O’Loghlin will talk about:
- Why every business needs to be continually innovating and how individuals can do it
- The three things innovators do better than everyone else, and five things every business can do to build a workplace culture that encourages innovation
Overcoming Barriers to Innovation
Many of us want to focus more on innovation and improving our business, but find that it just doesn’t happen. What goes wrong? What factors stop us from being innovative, and how can we overcome them? In this informative and entertaining keynote former host of “The New Inventors” and innovation expert James O’Loghlin will explain what the 6 most common barriers to innovation are, and how to overcome each one and ensure that making your business better becomes a part of your work every day.
- An understanding of the factors that prevent us from being more innovative
- Easy to implement strategies to overcome those barriers
- Strategies to identify opportunities for innovation and take advantage of them
Creating an Innovation Culture
The greatest resource any organization has is the space between the ears of its people, but many don’t get anywhere near full value from it. It’s more important than ever for organizations to be innovative, but how do you create a culture where everyone knows that part of their job is to think of better ways of doing things, and where new ideas are captured, assessed, trialed and the best ones implemented?
In this enlightening and entertaining keynote, former host of “The New Inventors” and innovation expert, James O’Loghlin, will share:
- How to create a corporate culture where everyone from the CEO to the receptionist is encouraged and expected to be innovative
- 6 steps to creating an innovative corporate culture
- The role of leaders and managers in fostering innovation
- How to create a simple, efficient system to grow, assess and harvest
- How to embed innovation as an essential part of corporate culture, rather than an ‘extra’ that is always shunted to the bottom of the list