Being the Best: Lessons from America’s Best Places to Work
Becoming a “Best Place to Work” is at the top of many organization’s priority lists. To attract and keep the best talent requires having an engaging culture where people want to work. But, building an awesome workplace is easier said than done. In fact, it’s hard to even know where to start.
The Future of Talent Management
How do we ensure we have the talent we need to win? This question tops many CEO’s priority lists. And yet, HR continues to struggle to meet this challenge because we are trapped in antiquated talent management processes and best practices from the past. Talent management must evolve, quickly.
HR as Social Architect: Maximizing the New Talent Equation
It seems that everyone these days is saying that business is now “social.” The rise of social media and other technology has changed how we do business. These same technologies are changing the very nature of work and how the workplace must be designed. The truth is, business has always been social, and so has work. Technology has simply unleashed the power of social in new and powerful ways.
Hacking HR: Big Change Starts with Thinking Small
Driving innovation in HR can feel overwhelming. Just the idea of innovation is intimidating—as if the big breakthrough is somehow always just beyond our reach. This is fueled by some common misunderstandings about how innovation works. The truth: innovation isn’t about big changes. And it doesn’t even require a big budget, a big title, or any permission. The changes that matter don’t happen overnight, they are the result of a lot of small, meaningful changes over time. Computer programmers and hackers have known this for years and we’ve reaped the technological rewards.
Power & Politics in the Organization: Understanding the Game
This session will explore the role that power and politics play in organizational decision making. As human resources leaders, understanding these dimensions can mean the difference between effectiveness and irrelevance.
Driving Performance through Employee Engagement (1/2 – full day workshop)
As leaders, we intuitively know that if employees are invested in their work and feel a sense of commitment to the organization, they are likely to do better work and have a bigger impact. Each of us has experienced this feeling as an employee long before we ever got into management. It’s called being engaged in your work.
Knowing that engagement is important is one thing. But, knowing as a leader how to create an environment that engages employees is far more critical. In this dynamic, interactive workshop, motivated leaders will learn how to fuel higher employee performance, retention and advocacy.