10 Jul Jason Womack

Speaker: Jason Womack
Workplace Productivity & Performance Expert and Coach
Speech Topics Include:
- The Future of Work
- Mastering Workplace Performance
- Focus & Time Management
- E-Mail/Tool/Gear Management
Keynote speaker Jason Womack is an internationally sought after speaker, productivity and performance expert, and advisor who invests his time, energy and focus serving as an agent of change. Known for his ability to think 18-36 months ahead (and more, if the client organization is willing), he is an advisor and consultant to companies and governments on productivity, business performance and teams managing through rapid change.
With over 20 years of education and operational experience, Jason Womack has been involved in the creation and transformation of leadership programs, company learning and development curriculum and “think-tank” style discussions directed to the most important aspects of prioritization and focus in the workplace.
Jason Womack was first chosen as one of “America’s top 100 thinkers in productivity” in 1997, and his most recent book,Your Best Just Got Better achieved best-selling status within five weeks of being published.
Jason has spoken for companies in 12 different countries and has spent time lecturing for universities on two continents while developing and presenting corporate learning curriculum worldwide.
As a speaker Jason Womack shows you that working longer hours doesn’t make up for a flawed approach to productivity and performance. Workers need to clarify their habits, build mindset-based strategies, and be proactive. Womack’s signature workplace performance techniques offer specific strategies to consistently and incrementally improve performance. Learn how to maximize your four most limited resources—time, energy, focus, and productivity tools—to build solid and sustainable workflow habits.
Jason Womack is an avid learner who earned two Master’s degrees after studying US History and Spanish Literature as an undergraduate student at the University of California (Berkeley, Santa Barbara, San Diego campuses).
The Future of Work
While leaders are managing the complexities of priorities, product launches and team-building around the world, they’re just as responsible as ever for getting their own work done. Setting strategy, identifying projects and delegating tasks in the workplace of the future demands new skills and competencies. Jason Womack speaks to the workforce who’s entering a world that’s being turned upside down by technology, globalization, demographics, and environmental challenges.
Beyond simply inspiring people to work harder, and put in longer hours, there are a few key areas to focus on:
Results… More than actions. How you – as a leader of the future – manage your Key Result Areas depends on the curvature of the horizon you look out over and see. Cast your vision out another 12 to 24 months, what do you see?
Prioritization… Not everything. There’s too much to do; which means that it’s time to choose what you’re NOT going to do. More than ever, understanding the direction of the organization, the competencies of your team and collaborators and understanding the opportunities that lie along your horizon will make you prioritize like never before. Jason shares with you specific techniques to identify and separate the good…Versus the great work you can be doing.
Managing energy and focus… Not time and calendars. Other authors and speakers have said it, and Jason lives it. He’s written two books, traveled to three continents. Finished multiple half-Ironman distance races, all while coaching global leaders on achieving more results in all areas of their work…And life.
Mastering Workplace Performance
Are you working better and smarter than you were last year? With more to do, and fewer resources, getting the right things done is the preeminent goal of every leader. But, how do you set up to be “as productive as possible” when there is too much to do, not enough time to do it all in, and a crisis about to erupt? Jason W. Womack, author of two books including “Your Best Just Got Better,” demonstrates what it takes to be your best, in life, at work and everywhere in between. To “better your best,” you must understand the connections between Psychology (how you think and plan), Sociology (how you collaborate most effectively) and Technology (how the systems and tools can help us every day).
Focus & Time Management
There are only 96 blocks of fifteen-minutes in each day. Are you trying to manage the most finite resource we have: time? Like many of your colleagues, you may be ending each day feeling like you’re not getting enough done. And, if so, you’ve likely labeled the problem “Time Management.”
Jason W. Womack, wrote the book on productivity and workplace performance and shows that the MORE important resource to manage is actually our mental focus. By realizing the natural working of the mind – how it seeks to understand and identify discrepancy and “unfinished-business – you can actually set yourself up at the beginning, middle and end of each day to focus on more important things, and get the tasks and projects done that will move the mission of the organization forward.
E-Mail/Tool/Gear Management- What you don’t know CAN kill your productivity
Anyone who has ever worked on a computer has an experience of having someone show them a tool or technique that made it easier to get their work done…faster. Remember when you learned about Control+P, to print a document? More than speedkeys, working effectively with your technology is a mindset; it’s the willingness to ask the question, “Is there a better, easier, faster way to do what I’m doing?” and finding the answer as effectively as possible.
Jason W. Womack has sat in the offices of HUNDREDS of executives to learn what they do to waste time with their technology and he shows them how to regain 15-45 minutes A DAY by implementing easy-to-learn, high-impact techniques. Isn’t it time you work smarter, to get more done?