What Goes Down, Will Come Back Up: What’s Ahead for the Markets Now?
The notion that falling stocks are penance for an economy built on indebtedness is overblown. There is nothing intrinsic in the world economy that has lost its productivity. Prof. Siegel diagnoses the causes of the current crisis and the prospects for recovery. Jeremy Siegel, a renowned professor of finance at the Wharton School and a regular commentator on major network and cable news and regular columnist for major financial publications encourages investors to take heart. Called the “Wizard of Wharton” and one of the world’s keenest financial minds, Siegel has an unshakable belief that brighter days are ahead for Wall Street. He shares his incredible insights on today’s latest financial news and what is ahead for not only Wall Street, but for investors and business.
Investing in a Global Marketplace
As the global marketplace blossoms into a reality, investors need to understand its perils and pitfalls. Is Asia becoming an economic powerhouse, or merely a paper tiger? How do quickly growing countries trap investors into poor returns? Jeremy Siegel gives an overview of what lies ahead for international investors as the borderless economy begins to emerge.
Are Stocks Still Right for the Long Run?
Given the current market, doubt in the soundness of the stock market has crept in among investors. Siegel takes a critical look at current and future earnings of the S&P 500 Index and reviews historical returns and what investors should expect from their investments today.
What are Stocks Really Worth?
How should we value stocks in today’s market? What level of PE can current companies justify? Siegel examines warranted price-to-earnings ratios by looking back at the original Nifty-Fifty.