10 Jul Joel Zeff

Speaker: Joel Zeff
Innovation expert, Humorist, and speaker
Speech Topics Include:
The Spirit Of Ta-Da: A Virtual Experience Of Fun, Energy, And Passion
The Secret Of Ta-Da: Watch What Happens When Work Becomes Play
Make The Right Choice: Taking Ownership And Responsibility For Your Happiness And Success
Make The Right Choice: Leading Teams During Change With Passion And Success
The Ta Da Of Change: Flexibility, Reaction, And Persistence
the ta da of teamwork
Event Emcee Or Entertainer (Comedian)
Speaker Joel Zeff creates energy. His spontaneous humor and vital messages have thrilled audiences for years. As a national speaker and humorist, Joel captivates audiences with a unique blend of hilarious improvisational comedy and essential ideas on work and life. Corporations and organizations nationwide seek him out to motivate and energize their employees on such topics as creativity, communication, teamwork, passion and fun.
As a speaker Joel Zeff fuses his knowledge of improvisation and his experience with the corporate world to create presentations that make a difference. His humor and style create a positive and comfortable environment for his audience that allows them to take risks and explore their creativity. His funny and poignant presentations have been met with roaring approval from hundreds of companies and organizations and thousands of audience members. Joel makes audiences laugh, but he also makes them think. Participants discover for themselves how to apply his messages to become better people and better employees.
The Spirit Of Ta-Da: A Virtual Experience Of Fun, Energy, And Passion
Sometimes we just need to laugh, recharge and refuel. Joel’s session will bring the energy and fun. And hopefully, he will make you laugh.
Joel Is a national speaker, author, workplace expert, emcee, humorist and improvisational comedian. He has presented more than 2,000 keynotes to companies, organizations and associations. Thousands of audience members have joined him on stage to improvise, create and collaborate. The volunteers faced their fear, dealt with change, and found success.
During this virtual program, he will share the secrets that improvisation has taught him. We will explore dealing with change; facing your fears; creating opportunity and positive support for your team; staying in the game; being in the moment; and successful collaboration.
He focuses on the simple choices to increase passion, reduce stress, and overcome the challenges of change.
He also just wants you to laugh. Yes, we are virtual. We still need to laugh, connect, and have fun with our peers, friends and colleagues. Joel promises this will probably be the greatest virtual event you have ever attended or the most recent.
The Secret Of Ta-Da: Watch What Happens When Work Becomes Play
We’ve all witnessed the excitement of a three-year-old. They celebrate finding a ladybug. They celebrate drawing a flower. They celebrate going to the bathroom in the toilet for the first time.
Somewhere along the way, too many adults lose this sense of excitement about our lives and our work. Our tanks are empty. There is no fuel for collaboration, productivity and innovation. When employees and managers are not having fun and enjoying their work, they become “Bye-Bye” people. “Bye-Bye” people don’t care about taking care of the customer, meeting goals, producing results, or having fun.
Employees and managers who have fun at their jobs are more loyal, enthusiastic and passionate. They sell more, communicate more effectively, take better care of customers and produce more sustainable results. And fun increases employee retention.
In Joel’s dynamic and motivational keynote presentation, employees will appreciate the value of fun in the workplace and learn how to make the simple choices to have more fun, and increase their passion and success.
Seven Lessons Learned:
- Learn to celebrate work and create a positive environment.
- Learn to improve teamwork and help all partners find success.
- Learn the three keys to leading change: be prepared; be focused; be open and flexible.
- Learn the key to success: staying in the game and keeping your passion.
- Learn to promote ownership and accountability.
- Learn to encourage innovation by creating opportunity.
- Learn to enhance communication.
Make The Right Choice: Taking Ownership And Responsibility For Your Happiness And Success
In Make the Right Choice, Joel shares his experience and insight on creativity, communication, teamwork, passion, and fun. With wit, a sharp observational eye, and playful irreverence, he discusses the choices we all encounter in our careers. We each have the ability to take initiative and make the right choice to live a more creative, passionate, effective, and productive life.
How do your employees and managers Make the Right Choice? We all must take ownership of our work environment and create a foundation of opportunity and positive support. We can choose to be patient, supportive, and more flexible to change. We can choose to have fun in the workplace and still be productive. Joel teaches us just how easy it is to make these choices.
He connects to his audience with humor that has them laughing so uncontrollably that their mascara runs, their cheeks hurt, and their bellies ache.
Seven Lessons Learned:
- Learn to celebrate work and create a positive environment.
- Learn to improve teamwork and help all partners find success.
- Learn the three keys to leading change: be prepared; be focused; be open and flexible.
- Learn the key to success: staying in the game and keeping your passion.
- Learn to promote ownership and accountability.
- Learn to encourage innovation by creating opportunity.
- Learn to enhance communication.
Make The Right Choice: Leading Teams During Change With Passion And Success
It’s hard to have fun and stay passionate at work during stressful times. Your employees build stress after each media report about economic challenges. Business today means surviving and thriving during a merger, layoff or the all-encompassing “restructuring.” How do managers continue to motivate and energize employees during difficult times? Managers must help employees stay in the game; work in the moment; and take ownership of their happiness.
Joel leads the audience through a series of exercises that demonstrates how easy it is to continue working creatively, effectively and productively while dealing with change. This interactive and hilarious presentation will teach managers the importance of creating opportunity and giving positive support to their employees. Just as important, managers must allow employees to create ownership. Ownership and responsibility will allow the employee to care. And once the employee starts to care, the next step is passion.
Joel uses humor and improvisation to teach his audiences how important these simple choices are to success. During this keynote, audience members will laugh, have fun and be motivated, inspired and energized.
The Ta Da Of Change: Flexibility, Reaction, And Persistence
Change happens. We can either be open and flexible to it or let it steamroll us. Too many of our daily problems are not worth getting worked up about, but we react to these small events, and it impacts us negatively. We don’t always have control over our changing circumstances, but we do control our reactions. There’s only one reaction that’s not acceptable: quitting. You can’t quit. You may have to communicate your needs; you may have to try something new. But you can’t give up. Joel’s presentation reinforces this message through his dynamic interactive skits.
the ta da of teamwork
We are all improvising. We face challenges, disruption, change, and obstacles without a script or rehearsal. To find success, we need to work together, build trust, and create opportunity. During this session, Joel will discuss how the tenets of improvisation create successful teams. Joel has spent the past 30 years performing and teaching improvisation. This interactive, engaging and hilarious session will focus on staying in the game; facing fear; building trust, and asking the important question, “How do I help the people around me be successful?” Joel will also bring his famous TA DA energy as he discusses the importance of opportunity, positive support, and active listening in collaboration. Yes, you will have fun and laugh during this session. You will also learn how to collaborate more successfully and become and even better improviser. Are you ready for the TA DA?
Event Emcee Or Entertainer (Comedian)
Joel uses a unique blend of improvisational and traditional comedy for his event entertainment. His comedy is clean, relevant, interactive, and suitable for any corporate audience. Joel uses the same dynamic energy and audience interaction for his entertainment performances as for his keynotes. Joel can also customize his presentation to include custom themes, key ideas, or specific products and personnel. His entertainment is ideal as a quick energy burst in between conference sessions, or after dinner to reinforce the key messages of the day.
Joel Zeff | About Joel and Keynote / Emcee Clips - Collaborative Agency Group
SPEAKER JOEL ZEFF - Creativity & Motivational Speaker- Collaborative Agency Group
SPEAKER JOEL ZEFF - Creativiy & Balanced Living Speaker- Collaborative Agency Group
JOEL ZEFF on Teamwork and Opportunity Collaborative Agency Group
JOEL ZEFF Speaker, Collaborative Agency Group
JOEL ZEFF Speaking on Communications, Collaborative Agency Group