09 Nov John Mattone

Speaker: John Mattone
“Game-Changing” Leadership and Talent Management Authority & Bestselling Author
Speech Topics Include:
- Transforming Culture: The Road to Accelerating Reinvention & Renewal
- Unlock Your Massive Leadership Potential: Unleash a Winning Culture!
- It’s About Talent: It Will Always Be About Talent!
- Success Mapping: Creating Your Powerful, Compelling Future
- Leadership & Talent Management Trends: What’s Now, What’s Next?
- How to Identify & Develop Your High-Potential and Future
- World-Class HR Leadership: It’s About Talent, Leadership & Being a Great HR Partner
Speaker John Mattone is widely acknowledged as one the world’s leading authorities on leadership, talent and culture. If you Google the 30 top leadership gurus of 2015, you’ll find John Mattone listed in the top 10, after Marshall Goldsmith and ahead of Jim Collins. He advises Fortune 1000 CEO’s and senior leadership teams on how to create and sustain a “game-changing” leadership and talent culture that drives superior operating results. John is a powerfully engaging, internationally-acclaimed keynote speaker and top ranked CEO executive coach.
He was nominated for the prestigious 2013 Thinkers50 Leadership Award, which recognizes the global thinker who has contributed most significantly to our understanding of leadership over the last two years. Speaker john Mattone appears on 2013 Thinkers50 “Guru Radar”, which recognizes the fastest rising stars in the field of leadership and he is currently recognized by HR.com and Leadership Excellence Magazine as one of the world’s top independent leadership consultants, executive coaches, and speakers.
John is the author of seven books, including two recent best-sellers. His new book, Cultural Transformations: Lessons of Leadership & Corporate Reinvention from the C-Suite Elite is scheduled for release in January 2016 from Wiley Publishers.
John is the coauthor of one of the most respected studies of leadership and talent management in the world, “The Trends in Leadership Development and Talent Management”, which is published bi-annually by Pearson.
In March, 2014 John was appointed Distinguished Senior Fellow of one of leading business schools in the world, the Hult International Business School and he is the host of his own show, The CEO Magazine’s C-Suite Coaching Show.
His work is featured in The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Businessweek, Inc. Magazine, MarketWatch, The Huffington Post, The CEO Magazine, ChiefExecutive.net, CLO Magazine, CIO Magazine, and other respected global news outlets. He is a trusted advisor and coach to some of the world’s leading organizations and brands including AT&T, Amazon, Bank of America, Conoco, CitiGroup, Eli Lilly, FedEx, Macy’s, Microsoft, Pearson, Pepsico and many others.
John Mattone has created numerous breakthrough leadership and culture assessments, including the Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI), which served as the centerpiece of his 2-part coaching session with Steve Jobs.
John holds a B.S. Degree in Management and Organizational Behavior from Babson College and an M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Central Florida. John serves as a Senior Talent Management Consultant and Master Executive Coach for Executive Development Associates (where he formerly served as President) and he was recently named President of the International Center for Business Communication (and ICBC’s first Hall of Fame inductee). John is also a strategic partner of India-based, Global Management, Inc.
John is a member of numerous professional associations including the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (ACEC), who recently appointed John as its’ Middle East Ambassador and also named him to the advisory board of The University of Continuing Education Coaching Education (UCECE). He is also one of eight executive coaches worldwide who has been awarded the prestigious Master Corporate Executive Coach (MCEC) certification by ACEC.
Transforming Culture: The Road to Accelerating Reinvention & Renewal
Based on John’s New Blockbuster Book, Cultural Transformations (Wiley & Sons, 2016)
In John’s newest power-packed presentation he reveals the critical steps that must be planned-out and executed in order for any organization to create and sustain a renewed, winning culture that engages, inspires and unleashes talent in support of driving breakthrough results.
Culture is the foundation from which successful organizations are built—however, most struggle to create an environment in which employees can be fulfilled, effective in their work, and feel “unleashed”. What exactly is it that makes some organizations achieve and sustain breakthrough success, while others struggle with cultural transformation…whether it involves crafting a new compelling vision and culture or merging cultures? Based on years of research and advising Fortune 1000 CEO’s and senior leadership teams, John Mattone argues that the highest performing organizations both embrace and execute 6 critical steps to achieving positive transformation, but transforming culture always begins with a CEO who is both willing and able to “think big” and be bold while maintaining a heavy dose of “humility”. In this dynamic presentation, John Mattone details the essence of what is meant by the “vulnerability decision” as well as the other critical steps that must be executed in order for your organization to effectively accelerate its’ own reinvention.
Unlock Your Massive Leadership Potential: Unleash a Winning Culture!
This powerful program is based on John’s Mattone’s CEO Read/Inc. Magazine bestseller, Intelligent Leadership. John Mattone will teach you the principles that make him the man current and future Fortune 500 leaders turn to for game-changing insights on how to overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts and habits. He reveals his key insights for unlocking and unleashing greatness in yourself and your teams.
The ideal audience for this program are current successful leaders, high-potential leaders, and the vast number of Gen X and Y’ers who must strengthen themselves as leaders, regardless of their own aspirations to become a manager or not. Ultimately, this program is for leaders and future leaders at all levels who desire to become the best they can be.
John Mattone utilizes his proprietary “Leadership Maturity Model” as the foundation for teaching leaders and emerging leaders the predictive components that unlock and unleash their full potential. These components include: (1) the core of achieving emotional maturity–possessing a strong self-awareness, self-concept, values, and optimistic belief system; (2) positive thinking; (3) positive emotions that empower both the leader and others; and (4) possessing the skills to execute mature leadership
It’s About Talent: It Will Always Be About Talent!
This program is based on John Mattone’s breakthrough Amazon bestseller, Talent Leadership. The program is geared for HR professionals and operations leaders who are charged with designing, implementing and/or conducting leadership assessment and coaching processes and practices.
John Mattone’s proprietary “Stealth Cultural Leadership” Model provides the foundation for learning about the critical talent practices that need to be optimized and integrated in order for an organization to achieve and sustain success. These elements include: (1) isolating target leadership competencies; (2) utilizing a variety of objective assessments to calibrate performance, potential and readiness; (3) integrating assessment data to identify strengths and development needs; (4) creating compelling IDP’s that guide and motivate; and (5) coaching leaders from the “inside-out.”
Success Mapping: Creating Your Powerful, Compelling Future
John Mattone is the man Fortune 500 companies turn to for game-changing insights on how to help their leaders and employees overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits, and discover powerful and unique ways to unlock and unleash their potential. John Mattone helps people achieve an “inner-core” balance by strengthening their self-image, character and values, thinking patterns, beliefs, emotions, and actions, so they realize greater success…stronger relationships, stronger partnerships, and new levels of achievement.
This interactive program will prepare and cultivate your heart, mind and soul so you are poised to “touch” the hearts, minds and souls of those with whom you work and live. In the role of grandparent, parent, spouse, son or daughter, and as a working professional-regardless of title or occupation, there is truly no more a noble, worthy or rewarding life pursuit than discovering the keys to achieving a stronger “mental state” as a foundation to unlocking and unleashing your own massive potential, as well as the potential of those with whom you work and live. John Mattone will teach you that success is not tied to having abundance; his philosophy is that it is the “disciplined pursuit of less, in the end, will give you more”.
Your Success Roadmap: How to Create Your Powerful, Compelling Future is a research and empirically-based program that uses my Wheel of Professional Success™ and Map of Maturity™ as the foundation for explaining the predictive relationships that exist between an individual’s “inner-core” strength, “outer-core” competencies, achieving “mental balance”, and how your heightened “brilliance” can drive a stronger, more vibrant and effective person. Beyond explanation, however, this program will challenge you to reflect on, connect with, and accept both the “gifts” and development opportunities you possess. From there, I will guide you in specific ways on how to strengthen your “inner-core” character, values, beliefs, thoughts and emotions as well as your “outer-core” competencies so you breakthrough your self-imposed limitations and can achieve all that you are capable of achieving as a person and professional, while maintain “balance” and health.
Leadership & Talent Management Trends: What’s Now, What’s Next?
This engaging and insightful program is based on John Mattone’s “Trends in Executive Development” research published by Pearson, the world’s leading education company. Professor Mattone’s research is widely regarded as one of the most authoritative and respected global research studies in the field of leadership development. Mattone surveyed and interviewed over 100 global organizations to isolate the cutting edge executive development and talent management practices and processes they use to drive operating success.
In this dynamic presentation, Mattone will:
- show you how leading edge companies develop their talent;
- show you how your organization’s efforts compare to the “best of the best”;
- discuss the critical competency gaps of the next generation of leaders;
- pinpoint the processes companies use to identify high-potential and emerging leaders;
- discuss the implications of the impending baby boomer exit;
- equip you with ideas and strategies for accurately identifying and developing your future leaders; and
- show you how to prepare your leaders and emerging leaders for the future.
John Mattone’s Twenty 2020 concept offers a powerful and compelling look at the future of talent management and executive development. The Twenty 2020 concept identifies the critical 20 leadership development and talent management practices that must be implemented and executed immediately by any organization to successfully mitigate their operating risk and ensure their survival and viability-through the year 2020 and beyond.
How to Identify & Develop Your High-Potential and Future
This engaging program is designed to enable attendees to understand
and develop a succession management process that accurately
identifies and develops leaders and future leaders, including:
- Building a Succession Management Value Proposition (SMVP)
- Benchmarking your organization’s succession management program using Mattone’s Succession Management Index (SMI)
- Applying state-of-the-art bench strength analyses
- Conducting formal succession reviews
- Planning and executing development activities
- Integrating succession programs with other HR programs
- Measuring the ROI of your organization’s succession management program
World-Class HR Leadership: It’s About Talent, Leadership & Being a Great HR Partner
The conversation about HR having a “seat at the table” is over. The door is wide open and the Human Resources function has its seat; increasingly one being populated by HR Business Partners that are aligned with business units rather than, or in addition to a centralized HR function.
But for many organizations that have filled these roles with HR generalists, long on skills in the HR function but short on experience in other areas of the business, these partnerships are proving frustrating for both sides. Now, more than ever, HR professionals need a whole new set of competencies, some related to talent and some related to business to deliver the results their organizations are looking for.