26 Jun John Naber

Speaker: John Naber
Olympic Champion and Network TV Sports Commentator
- Character-Driven Accomplishment
- Motivation: The Feeling Before the Achievement
- Teamwork in a Competitive World
- Discipline: Keeping the Promises You Make to Yourself
- The Gold Medal Performance: Seeing Your Dreams Come True
- Awaken The Olympian Within (Workshop)
A multi-talented athlete, broadcaster and author, John Naber understands the value of setting goals and keeping your balance.
One of America’s most-decorated Olympic swimmers, John Naber shares the skills, training and determination necessary to bring success to you and your organization. Whether setting appropriate goals or learning how to balance team and individual ambition, Naber’s lessons resonate with those who experience his presentations. As a broadcaster, Naber has been seen on ABC’s Wide World of Sports, ESPN and Turner Broadcasting. He has covered over 30 different sports and eight Olympic Games. He draws on a wealth of athletic and broadcast experience to reveal how champions from all walks of life can make their dreams come true. Naber’s most recent book, Eureka! How Innovation Changes the Olympics and Everything Else, is a study of innovations throughout Olympic history. By interviewing over 75 of America’s greatest Olympians, Naber has gathered their stories of creative problem solving and he shares the thought processes that have produced gold medal solutions
Character-Driven Accomplishment
Winning doesn’t have to be sacrificed, when we decide to play by the rules. Good guys don’t always have to finish last. Here’s how people can remain competitive in today’s cutthroat business environment, without sacrificing their ethics and character. It’s another way of looking at the ethical dilemmas we face every day. “Olympic champions are not extraordinary people; they are ordinary people who have accomplished some extraordinary things in the area of their lives that matter most to them.”John Naber .
Motivation: The Feeling Before the Achievement
Some people are moved by money, others: fame, and still others: power. What do all these factors have in common? They begin with a desire for a particular feeling. Here are a few exercises anyone can use, to get more from themselves and their team and increase the likelihood of success and how to get others to try harder..
Teamwork in a Competitive World
In many cases, the greatest challenge to an Olympian’s hope for the gold is often a fellow countryman. How do the great Olympic athletes achieve excellence without losing the ability to be good team players? Learn how your people can lift the whole division/company, while still seeking individual glory..
Discipline: Keeping the Promises You Make to Yourself
Every Olympian must have it, but not every Olympian uses it outside their sport. What is this magic ingredient and how can people amplify its effect on a daily basis? A handful of skills can make any uphill climb that much easier. By keeping focused on the goal, the price is more easily paid..
The Gold Medal Performance: Seeing Your Dreams Come True
What do the Olympians go through on their way to the awards platform? How can you feel like you’re “going for the gold” in your field? This eight step process, using humor and Olympic analogies, will help anyone reach their own personal and professional goals..
Awaken The Olympian Within (Workshop)
What would it be worth to your company’s bottom line, if each of your corporate team members began behaving with the focus, discipline, work ethic, tenacity and team spirit of an Olympic athlete? “Awaken the Olympian Within” is a fun and challenging way to renew the competitive spirit inside your company. This interactive program of fast paced activities with a purpose will bring out the best in your managers, sales force or front line personnel with contests of skill that teach the lessons that are pertinent to your particular situation. This half- or full-day program (customized to your company’s needs and priorities) will help your staff by awakening the “Olympian Within,” to relearn the lessons of results-oriented thinking.