10 Jul John Yokoyama

Speaker: John Yokoyama
Owner of World Famous Pike Place Fish
Speech Topics Include:
- Choose Your Attitude: Loving What You Do – Doing What You Love
- Being There: Creating The Condition For Real Communication
- Team Building: From Managing To Coaching
- Make Their Day: Service With An Attitude
- A Topic Specifically Designed For You
A few years ago, we at Pike Place Fish committed ourselves to becoming “world famous”. We’ve accomplished this – not by spending any money on advertising (we’ve never spent a dime), but by being truly great with people. We interact with people with a strong desire to make a difference for them. We want to give each person the experience of having been served and appreciated, whether they buy fish or not. We love them – Speaker John Yokoyama.
At World Famous Pike Place Fish, we stand for the possibility of World Peace and Prosperity for all people. We believe that it’s possible for a person to impact the way other people experience life. Through our work, we can improve the quality of life for others. We are committed to this belief. It’s what we do.
We adhere to a particular set of E.C.P.’s (Essential Creative Principles). These E.C.P.’s have made our company culture a model for other organizations. Our vision is to see companies all over the world make it their business to improve the quality of life for people everywhere. Our commitment is to make our way of operating available to as many organizations as possible.
Our Consulting Team with Speaker John Yokoyama demonstrates the kind of performance that is unleashed when each member of an organization is empowered to be a leader and a creator for the whole company. Our services began with inspirational appearances by John Yokoyama and members of our Crew at special client events. Since then, we have developed a powerful consulting program for businesses, including special coaching segments on requested topics.
One hour with the World Famous Fish Mongers from Pike Place Fish in Seattle, featuring speaker John Yokoyama, owner.
John will be accompanied by some of the Fishmongers from the Pike Place Market and / or their coach/consultant, Jim Bergquist, from bizFutures.
Choose Your Attitude: Loving What You Do – Doing What You Love
Taking a look at the importance of having a powerful vision and what it takes to create a work environment that empowers people to be great at what they do – and love doing it.
BEING THERE: Creating The Condition For REAL Communication
We’ve discovered that most people don’t listen…and think they do. In this segment we explore the kind of awareness that’s required to listen to people powerfully.
Team Building: From Managing To Coaching
In this topic we address the kind of creativity and productivity that’s possible when managers transform themselves into coaches . . . coaches who are out to enhance their player’s performance and build great teams. We show people how to get started being coaches.
Make Their Day: Service With An Attitude
Most organizations know that their relevance and indeed their very existence can depend on the quality of service they provide for their customers (both external and internal). In this topic the Fish Folks show what it takes to deliver service that actually impacts the quality of someone’s life.
A Topic Specifically Designed For You
You allow us to interview three or four appropriate people from your group to determine what topic would make the most difference for your organization, and we’ll do that!
These are all high energy/high impact presentations that are fun, educational and designed to leave people inspired and engaged.
Chris Bashinelli - Humanity in Business Keynote - Collaborative Agency Group
Chris Bashinelli - How to Increase Sales Keynote - Collaborative Agency Group
Keynote Speaker CHRIS BASHINELLI | Steps from the Stoop- Cultivating Connection
Chris Bashinelli | Life Story - Collaborative Agency Group
Motivational Speaker CHRIS BASHINELLI | Global Citizen,- Open your world view
Performance Speaker CHRIS BASHINELLI | Start at Step Z - Stepping into Powerful Performance