03 Jun Jon Bergmann

Speaker: Jon Bergmann
Pioneer in the Flipped Class Movement, Co-founder of the Flipped Learning Network & Co-author of Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class
- Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day: The Flipped Classroom
Jon is a teacher, educational coach, and writer who has had the privilege of helping educators “turn learning on its head.”
Jon, along with Aaron Sams, is considered a pioneer in the Flipped Class Movement. He spent 24 years as a middle and high school science teacher before becoming the lead technology facilitator for a school district in the Chicago suburbs. Today Jon is dedicated to writing, speaking and otherwise promoting the flipped classroom concept. Jon helped found the Flipped Learning Network, a non-profit organization which provides resources and research about flipped learning.
In 2002, Jon received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching; and in 2010, he was named Semi-Finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year. He serves on the advisory board for TED-Education. In 2013 he, along with Aaron Sams was one of Tech & Learning’s 10 Most Influential of 2013. He serves on the advisory board for TED-Education. In 2014 he, along with Aaron Sams, are nominees for the Brock International Prize for Education.
Currently, Jon helps educators and corporations turn learning on its head by bringing flipped learning into schools and organizations. He continues to write about education both on his blog and in books. He co-wrote the book, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day with Aaron Sams. The book is jointly published by ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) and ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development). Their second book will be released sometime in 2014. Jon is also the author (or co-author) for a variety of educational publications.
He has keynoted at many conferences and has gotten great feedback from participants about his engaging style and meaningful dialogue about how to transform schools and organizations.
In addition, Jon has worked with schools of every level and type to help them rethink and redefine what schools should look like in the 21st Century.
He has also consulted with corporations which are interested in applying the principles of flipped learning to corporate training.
Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day: The Flipped Classroom
Implementing the Flipped Class provides teachers with more face-to-face time with students, allows for true differentiation, compels students to take responsibility for their own learning, and enables students to master rigorous course concepts. Join Flipped Classroom pioneer Jon Bergmann as he walks you through his transformation from nineteen year lecturer to flipped class pioneer. He will demonstrate how the flipped class can transform today’s educational climate and increase student learning outcomes.
- The Flipped Class
- Mastering the Chaos: Implementing a Flipped-Mastery Classroom
- Educational Reform and the Future of Education
- Rolling out a 1-1 Initiative. (Jon was director of technology as his school rolled out 1-1 iPads for his elementary school)
- Integrating the iPad into the Elementary Classroom
- Integrating the iPad into the Secondary Classroom
- How to Use Social Media to Enhance Professional Development
- The Flipped Class for Administrators
- How to Make Videos Students will Love
- The Flipped Class for Policy Makers
- The Flipped Class and the Common Core
- How to integrate Google Apps into your everyday class.
- How to Use Moodle for Maximum Effectiveness
- A Look Ahead: What is Going to be the Next big thing in Educational Technology?
- Designing a School with Learning Spaces in Mind.