11 Jun Lisa McInnes-Smith
High Performance Expert and Motivational Speaker
Speech Topics Include:
Sticky Teams! – The art of building great teams
Up Your Capacity! – How to Raise Your Performance, Your Thinking and Your Results
A Culture You Can Count On- Building A Brilliant Customer Experience
The Leader Shift! – Committing To A Culture Of Continuous Improvement
Lisa McInnes-Smith is in the top echelon of corporate speakers on shifting and improving performance. She has presented to more than one million people across twenty-two countries and authored seven bestselling books.
Lisa has also been instrumental in the transformation of people’s careers and relationships. As the first presenter outside the USA to be inducted into the Speaker Hall of fame, Lisa’s focus is inspiring leaders and creating tangible shifts in their people.
Her highly interactive keynote presentations take her audience on a journey, an unforgettable experience where they are challenged to embrace a new way of thinking about, and seeing, their current world. Lisa not only inspires people to change but shows them the practical ways they can improve their behavior and performance. She brings the highest level of collaboration when working with event organizers and in her participation on the day.
After twenty-five years connecting with corporations and business people, Lisa knows what it takes for people to change – to change direction, change attitude, change behavior and change outcomes.
As a naturally entertaining and passionate communicator, Lisa is as comfortable delivering her dynamic fast paced presentations as she is hosting events as the consummate MC – and delivers her absolute best every time she takes the stage.
Sticky Teams! – The art of building great teams
This program is for any company that needs better teamwork, a healthier culture or improved staff engagement. It impacts sales teams, leadership teams and technical teams. It leaves people feeling empowered and united. Most teams have more potential and capacity than they demonstrate. This presentation focuses on helping people to become effective team players by helping each other to willingly shift their behavior, habits and results.
Lisa demonstrates how team members can inspire others to deliver long-term positive outcomes. She helps individuals to utilize the two most important forms of feedback to multiply their own effectiveness and release the talents of those around them.
Key Takeaways:
- How to build a culture of connection, co-operation and excellence and bring clarity to the team’s purpose
- Increase team energy, engagement and interaction and raise team performance by capitalizing on strengths
Up Your Capacity! – How to Raise Your Performance, Your Thinking and Your Results
In this presentation audience members will recognize and adopt the habits and actions that positively influence and shape their thinking, their expectations and their performance. Lisa McInnes-Smith is an expert at helping people increase their capacity and transform their personal performance.
Setting people on a strategic pathway of continuous improvement, Lisa helps identify what energizes, engages, inspires and motivates individuals, while also pointing out what robs, deflates and saps their energy. In this up-lifting, fun-filled presentation Lisa will help raise the desire to step up and tackle the tasks that take us to the next level of achievement.
Key Takeaways:
- The power of full engagement for creating personal and professional satisfaction and helping individuals to recognize the contribution they make to the company & what it means to perform at your maximum capacity
- The skills for better communication and how to generate supportive feedback and turn it into better performance
A Culture You Can Count On- Building A Brilliant Customer Experience
When building customer relationships no comment is trivial and no moment should be wasted. In fact, every word counts! Success can be measured one interaction at a time as relationships are the key to our ongoing success. The way we communicate and connect significantly influences our effectiveness and overall personal performance. The quality of our conversations and our ability to influence others directly impacts our bottom line, and effective communicators make great team players and valuable team leaders. Confidence and competence in effective communication are learned skills.
This high-energy, fun session will help your people build a culture where everyone can be counted on to create a brilliant customer experience.
Key takeaways:
- How to be a center of encouragement and continual improvement
- How to identify and turn around behaviors that undermine company success
- How to add your extra to the ordinary daily activities and deliver an extraordinary experience
The Leader Shift! – Committing To A Culture Of Continuous Improvement
The success of an organization depends on the quality and depth of its leaders and their ability to grow together and lead effectively. A high functioning cohesive leadership team gets more accomplished in less time because they are not wasting time on the wrong issues. They trust one another and don’t avoid conflict. They make higher quality decisions. They capitalize on the capacities and skill sets of their colleagues and they’re always learning. They are willing to ask for help and be accountable to other team members.
The new business climate demands that we work smarter and more efficiently; we must constantly evaluate what we can do differently and, importantly, what we need to stop doing.
Key learning components
- Creating a safe space for personal & professional growth
- More coaches, less critics – embracing responsibility
- The importance of learning new skills
- Developing new patterns to raise performance