30 Jun Passing Zone

Speaker: Passing Zone
Corporate Entertainers and Speakers on Collaboration, Teamwork and The Power of Partnership
- Teamwork: The Power of Partnership
- The Passing Zone on ICE: Innovation, Collaboration, Execution
Owen Morse and Jon Wee (Speaker The Passing Zone) have done the impossible: they’ve made juggling hip. Their show is in a class by itself. These two guys are taking the art of juggling to new heights, shattering the preconception that jugglers belong in a circus, or in clown suits at a kid’s birthday party. After seeing their show you may for the first time, and against your better judgment, become a fan of juggling.
What makes The Passing Zone so special, you ask? In addition to their award-winning juggling skills, this show is funny. Really funny. Just ask Johnny Carson, who repeatedly invited The Passing Zone to appear on The Tonight Show. They even made Prince Charles laugh, at The Royal Command Performance in London. Headlining many of America’s hottest comedy clubs, from LA to New York, they are one of the most sought-after comedy acts in the nation.
Their non-stop humor not only surprises audiences, but has them doubled over, wiping tears from their eyes.
Funny, classy, entertaining… Jon and Owen are a huge hit with audiences everywhere. If it’s laughter and fun you’re looking for, The Passing Zone is a sure thing.
Teamwork: The Power of Partnership
Many speakers talk about teamwork. Jon and Owen do it.
Their success is proven, their talent unique, and nowhere else will you see such an exciting demonstration of the amazing things that can be accomplished when people work together.
The Passing Zone is a comedy duo who not only work together – their safety is in each other’s hands! Every moment of this presentation is a clear example of collaboration between two people who have prepared, who rely on each other’s strengths, who communicate, trust, and have fun cooperating. Their entertaining and inspiring performance uses big laughs, exciting stunts, and flawless teamwork, creating an unforgettable experience for any industry.
Audience members discover:
+ The importance of recovering from setbacks
+ How working well together creates a cohesive, effective team
+ The value of trust
+ What it takes for teamwork excellence
+ How to foster relationships with partners and customers
+ How to laugh together
Throwing chainsaws, balancing on each others’ shoulders while juggling flaming torches, demonstrating teamwork by getting people from the audience to participate – are all part of Teamwork: The Power of Partnership. Imagine your CEO standing in the middle of flying sickles and blazing torches! They even juggle three people from the audience in their exciting piece – People-Juggling.
Don’t just tell your people how to be a team…show them.
The Passing Zone on ICE: Innovation, Collaboration, Execution
Want a cool keynote experience? Just add I.C.E
Jon Wee and Owen Morse, The Passing Zone, are one of the most accomplished comedy duos in the nation, and they’ve done it by focusing on three success principles. Those same principles can help any group achieve fantastic results, and there is no better way to bring them these key ideas than through The Passing Zone’s hilarious, energetic, and inspiring keynote.
You want your company or organization to innovate, to be different, to stand out from the rest. Don’t do what everyone else does. Look for ways to be creative, unique, and move the world forward with new ideas. Success demands innovation.
The Passing Zone are innovators. They juggle astronauts (audience members), ride Segways while juggling inflated bags, and juggle chainsaws while dancing in tights and tutus. Their skill is unmatched, and their humor is unequaled, and you’ve never seen anything like it! These guys innovate each and every day, and they will inspire your people to do the same.
Nobody accomplishes anything alone. In order to succeed, your people need to understand the importance of working with others around them. Rely on each other’s strengths. Collaboration requires trust, communication, cooperation – and practice!
Jon and Owen don’t just talk about collaboration, they do it! They rely on each other at every moment, on stage, for their success, and even their safety! Watch two people whose career is based on working together. Your people will see, like never before, that nothing beats effective collaboration.
Great ideas and plans mean nothing without execution. Your people need to carry out their vision and their plans, and they need to do it with excellence. Get it done, and do it right! Give your customer the very best you have to offer.
The Passing Zone will execute excellence right in front of your eyes. They need to be flawless, or things go crashing to the stage! Their precision, skill, and success will blow your people away. They present outrageous, complex stunts, and they execute them live, on stage. If mistakes happen (and sometimes they do!), they are handled with precision and professionalism, which is all part of execution. Show your people execution at its best – and most fun!