18 Jun Richard Hadden

Speaker: Richard Hadden
Co-author Contented Cows Give Better Milk: The PLain Truth About Employee Relations and our Bottom Line
- Contented Cows Give Better Milk: Your People…Your Profit
- Bottom Line Leadership
- Rebooting Leadership
- The Journey Thus Far: Foundations for a Fabulous Future!
- Making the Extra Mile the Best Part of the Trip
Richard Hadden is a thought-leader on Leadership and Employee Engagement. He is co-author of the “Contented Cows” leadership book series, and the new book, Rebooting Leadership.
Richard’s programs will show you how to make a difference – improve employee retention, employee relations, and profits in his interactive keynotes and seminars.
Richard Hadden was a manager for a large savings and loan association in the 1980’s. He learned computer programming and worked as a programmer and systems analyst in the field of multi-user microcomputer software, before the advent of PC’s. He was Director of Product Development for a software house in North Florida before starting his own software consulting business in 1986.
While consulting, he taught software design, principles of management, and international economics at Jacksonville University. He began working as a trainer and consultant to corporations and left the university in 1991.
Since 1990 he has delivered keynote presentations and training programs for more than 800 audiences on five continents.
Contented Cows Give Better Milk: Your People…Your Profit
Not your average “leadership” speech. “Your People…Your Profit” helps leaders make the
connection between the work environment they create…and their organization’s profitability.
Based on Richard’s books, Contented Cows Give Better Milk, and the new Contented Cows
STILL Give Better Milk, this keynote is research-based and filled with practical “to-do’s”. Audience
members will leave this presentation with the knowledge and motivation to turn their workforces
into vibrant, competitive weapons.
Bottom Line Leadership
An interactive version of “Your People…Your Profit”, and perfect for leadership training
workshops and concurrent session breakouts for groups smaller than a keynote audience.
Rebooting Leadership
The events of the last decade – political, social, technological, and economic, coupled with
unprecedented changes in the workforce, call for a hard, new look at our leadership practices.
Just as we “reboot” the computer when its operating system fails, the leadership system in most
people-intensive organizations needs to hit its reset button. While the fundamentals of leadership
have not changed, the way we practice them must reflect today’s new realities – a world redefined
by the economy, technology, and the “new deal” in the workplace. Based on Richard Hadden’s
new book of the same title, “Rebooting Leadership” is light on theory, with a heavy dose of
practicality. This program provides down-and-dirty nitty-gritty how-to’s for leaders charged with
getting maximum productivity and customer-winning service in today’s world of work.
The Journey Thus Far: Foundations for a Fabulous Future!
Celebrate, recognize, energize, and reward members of your winning organization. Designed for
award and recognition events, milestones, annual meetings, or entering a new era in your
organization’s history.
This is your story. Using information gathered through indepth research from your organization,
I’ll take a look at your past, and what it took to get where you are today. I’ll present the currentday
challenges facing your industry. Then I’ll combine the two to project the exciting future that
lies ahead. Using music, photography, an exciting customized multi-media presentation, and
something I call “The View Through The Rear-View Mirror”, I’ll leave your group excited, inspired,
and moved to achieve even greater successes.
Making the Extra Mile the Best Part of the Trip
Designed for non-management or general audiences, this program explores Employee
Engagement from the employee’s perspective, and provides both inspiration and practical advice
on going the “extra mile”, enthusiastically, while getting more out of your work…and life.
Richard Hadden The Trouble With Change Collaborative Agency Group |
Richard Hadden Discretionary Effort at Wegmans Collaborative Agency Group |
Richard Hadden Why Contented Cows give Better Milk Collaborative Agency Group |
Richard Hadden Contented Cows Still Give Better Milk Collaborative Agency Group |