02 Jun Rick Barrera

Speaker: Rick Barrera
Branding and Selling Expert, Best-Selling Author
- Grow Your Revenues Now! (By Selling Your Way Out of the Recession)
- The Ultimate Customer Interview
- Rethinking the Customer Experience
- Overpromise and Overdeliver
- Fast Forward: The Ten Critical Trends Driving Sales, Marketing and Customer Service
Rick Barrera has helped hundreds of companies re-design their systems and implement a holistic approach to serving customers. His impressive client list includes Abbott Labs, AutoZone, Bayer, Caterpillar, IBM, Intel, Merrill Lynch and Verizon. Because he continues to consult with a few select clients each year, his material is always relevant, fresh and grounded in the current realities of the marketplace.
It’s an old cliché in business that smart companies UNDER promise and over deliver. But in today’s crowded market, that’s a one way ticket to oblivion. In his bestselling book, Overpromise and Overdeliver (Penguin Putnam), Rick illustrates how an increasing number of cutting edge firms are building breakthrough brands in record time. Overpromise and Overdeliver offers powerful and easy-to-apply lessons not only for senior managers but also for individuals at any level — for anyone who wants to create extraordinary customer experiences. Drawing on more than 20 years of hands-on experience, this breakthrough book sheds new light on how brands are really built and offers practical advice you can use to immediately differentiate your products, services and company.
Grow Your Revenues Now! (By Selling Your Way Out of the Recession)
While many companies are canceling projects, freezing spending, or cutting head count, you know none of those tactics will solve the real problem. Instead of hunkering down and trying to shrink your way to greatness, you should focus on how to grow revenues through your sales teams. Rick has successfully sold his way through the last three recessions and can show your inside and outside sales teams how to do it successfully, as well. Working closely with your sales leaders, he’ll dig into your specific issues and custom design an interactive program to captivate and engage even your most senior experienced sales people. Using case studies, role plays, exercises and other engaging activities, Rick will change forever the way your sales team thinks about customers, prospects, and their own potential.
The Ultimate Customer Interview
Most sales are lost in the FIRST CUSTOMER INTERVIEW because of a lack of proper research and poor interviewing skills on the part of the salesperson. In this highly interactive session, Rick Barrera, co-author of two best-selling sales books, will teach your team how to be instantly relevant to your customers. He’ll show them how to ask the five critical questions that will immediately identify your customer’s greatest pain. Once their pain is revealed, Rick will show your team how to collaborate with your customer to find a solution and move toward rapid implementation. If you want your team to sell more in less time, this is the perfect program for your next sales meeting.
Rethinking the Customer Experience
How well does your front line understand the needs, wants, goals and priorities of your customers? How well designed is your service organization to deliver on them? Do they understand what true world class service means as your customers compare them to the experiences they have with Lexus, Disney, Federal Express, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Lands’ End, Washington Mutual and other service leaders? In this humorous and entertaining program, your team will learn “The Three Laws of Exceptional Service Delivery,” how to use the power of positive language, how to determine the true cost of losing a customer, as well as the 7 steps for handling an irate customer. If you want to build a world class service team, this is the program for you.
Overpromise and Overdeliver
How to Design a Branded Competitive Advantage and Deliver Extraordinary Customer Experiences
Based on Rick’s Wall Street Journal bestselling book, this program is essential for any company that wants to radically differentiate their products, services and company from competitors while dramatically increasing revenues and margins. In Overpromise and Overdeliver you’ll learn how to differentiate your brand by designing and delivering extraordinary customer experiences that instantly differentiate your company. Senior executives will find the research and case studies compelling, while line managers will learn the keys to better execution. The front line will learn what specific actions they must take on a daily basis to create the unique experiences that drive buzz and build breakaway brands. This program is available as a keynote presentation, as well as interactive half and full day sessions.
Fast Forward: The Ten Critical Trends Driving Sales, Marketing and Customer Service
This intense presentation underscores the need for companies to redesign their thinking, their processes and their people to deliver innovation, speed and greater customer value. Your team will learn company specific, practical steps to capitalize on each trend including: A Real Time World, Globalization, Changing Places, Learning Organizations, Strategic Partnerships, Reinventing, Using Speed as a Competitive Weapon, Customized Solutions & Experiences, Leveraging Information, and Putting the Customer First. Participants in this program will go beyond embracing change, to become change leaders. Rick ‘s trademark Deep Customization process really shines through here.