03 Jun Rocky Bleier

Speaker: Rocky Bleier
NFL Hero, Wounded Vietnam Veteran & Author
- Be The Best You Can Be!
Keynote speaker Rocky Bleier’s story – a gripping tale of courage on both the football fields of America and the battle fields of Vietnam – has held audiences in rapt attention for years. Yet, the motivational message behind it, detailing how ordinary people can become extraordinary achievers, defines success in the new American century.
As a speaker Rocky Bleier, with the same optimism, sense of humor and steadfast determination that were his trademarks as a Pittsburgh Steelers running back, Rocky Bleier takes audiences from his early years through his professional career and talks about the lessons he learned along the way….lessons that we all can benefit from.
Not falling within the ideal of what a running back should look like, Bleier had to run harder and play smarter to be able to stand out. Despite his drive and ability to make the big play, the Pittsburgh Steelers only considered him a late round pick. But before the season ended that first year, he was drafted again…this time by the United States Army. At the height of the Vietnam War, Bleier was thrust into combat early and was seriously wounded when his platoon ran into an ambush. Receiving wounds from both rifle fire and grenade fragments in his legs, he was barely able to walk and his professional football career seemed to have ended before it began.
For more than two years, he drove himself. Little by little he overcame obstacles and fought his way back. He not only made the Pittsburgh Steelers, but also eventually became a starting running back on a team that won four Super Bowls and became the greatest football team of the 20th century.
The hard lessons keynote speaker Rocky Bleier learned early in his life that helped him overcome adversity and reach his goals, have paid off after football. Some of those lessons are seen between the lines in the popular book on his life, “Fighting Back,” and an ABC-TV movie of the week by the same name.
Be The Best You Can Be!
Rocky Bleier motivates audiences to keep on striving for greater accomplishments. His dynamic style is coupled with real-life stories that are told from a first person perspective. Those stories about his fabled comeback from Vietnam injuries to Super Bowl star are utterly inspiring for their courage and determination. He brings it together with a warm, self-reflective humor that audiences really relate to.