18 Jun Stephen Harvill

Speaker: Stephen Harvill
Founder and President of Creative Ventures; Simple, Powerful and Elegant Strategies for Business
- Repeatable Successful Acts- Power Behaviors of Top Producer
- The Idea Factory
- The Once Upon a Time Project
- Elegant Simplicity…and the search for solutions
- The DNA of Success
- Dazzling Blue- The Journey from Ordinary to extraordinary.
During the past 25 years, Stephen Harvill and his Creative Ventures team has helped some of the worlds most respected companies realize their true capabilities through implementing pioneering methods in organizational dynamics and strategic thinking.
Today Stephen works with organizations of all sizes to help them to remove the boundaries and restrictive thinking that are pervasive across Corporate America
As one of the top educators, consultants and strategists, Stephen works with companies to maximize the potential of their human capital and the organization as a whole. Sometimes the changes are large in scope, but often the changes begin with small, positive steps and creative approaches.
Stephen’s schedule has him crisscrossing the globe to bring these unique and dynamic approaches to a client base that includes, IBM, General Mills, Wells Fargo, Pepsi, Southwest Airlines, Samsung, JC Penney, Microsoft, Apple, AIA, Zappos and Allianz.
Repeatable Successful Acts- Power Behaviors of Top Producer
Most organizations know the metrics used to judge the success of their sales force. What they don’t know is a missing piece, it’s what their sales force DOES. What actions or behaviors generated those sales and which, if any, can be repeated to generate the same success.
The Idea Factory
Basic CMYKCompanies don’t suffer from a lack of ideas, they suffer from a lack of knowing what to do to make an idea impactful. They lack any sort of process around the development, implementation, and measurement of ideas. In fact, according to the Maurer Group, 78% of companies have no idea system at all which leads to an average failure rate of 70% for new ideas launched. 70%!
Ideas vanish from a lack of understanding, a lack of agreement and an utter lack of engagement. For almost 30 years Creative Ventures has been in the business of creating and developing ideas. We find our success in THE IDEA FACTORY, a simple, efficient, and repeatable process for providing a systemic approach to the development of ideas. THE IDEA FACTORY provides a place for ideas to gain form, to discover function, and through a committed process, find value.
The Once Upon a Time Project
There are stories being crafted. There are stories being told. There are stories of authenticity and richness that engage our minds and imaginations. There are stories tired in their design and missing the mark of impact. What is your story and how well do you tell it?
THE ONCE UPON A TIME PROJECT is a strategic platform based on two elements of a great story:
- CRAFTING: The art of writing a true and meaningful story.
- TELLING: The skill of telling your story and weaving its content towards impact.
- Your stories are already there, most of the time in plain sight. You need to capture them, to help us know and understand what you do, what value you bring, and how you’re different. This is the nature of CRAFTING a story.
Elegant Simplicity…and the search for solutions
Elegant Simplicity_LogoThe death of effective planning lies in our desire for “more”. We believe that more allows us to gain ground, to move forward, but the reality is that more leads to complexity. The more complex a model, the less likely that model is to become reality.
Creative Ventures presents a dynamic, multimedia, interactive learning experience in strategic planning
The DNA of Success
In one of the latest strategic platforms from Stephen Harvill and the Creative Ventures team, we share the results of a The DNA of Successstudy into the leadership teams of seven different industries, presented in a multimedia and interactive platform that will challenge your perception of impactful leadership!
The study resulted in a simple discovery – 11 shared behaviors that are directly connected to both individual and corporate success. These 11 behaviors cross industry barriers, providing a menu driven model that creates a mechanism for success.
Dazzling Blue- The Journey from Ordinary to extraordinary.
Why do we continually settle for ordinary, when the step to extraordinary is so simple?
Why do we ignore the power of a simple story? Why do we miss the return we are given when we focus on the client experience? Why don’t we create opportunity instead of waiting for it and when we see the chance why don’t we make the opportunity scream WOW!
STEPHEN HARVILL - Value Coupons- Collaborative Agency Group
STEPHEN HARVILL - Sawdust- Collaborative Agency Group
STEPHEN HARVILL - RSA Repeatable Successful Acts- Collaborative Agency Group
STEPHEN HARVILL - Paying Attention- Collaborative Agency Group
STEPHEN HARVILL - Elegant Simplicity- Collaborative Agency Group
STEPHEN HARVILL - Duct Tape- Collaborative Agency Group