Stuart Altman

Stuart Altman

Speaker: Stuart Altman

Economist & Healthcare Policy Expert


  • Power, Politics & Universal Health Care: The Inside Story of a Century-Long Battle

Dr. Stuart Altman is an acclaimed economist whose research focuses on federal and state health policy. He is the author of Power, Politics, and Universal Healthcare: The Inside Story of a Century-Long Battle, which explains not only the Obama health plan but many of the intriguing stories in the hundred-year saga that led to the landmark 2010 legislation.

Dr. Altman served as the chairman of the congressionally legislated Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPac) for 12 years. ProPac was responsible for advising the US Congress and the administration on the functioning of the Medicare Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) hospital payment system and other system reforms. He is chair of the Council on Healthcare Economics and Policy, a private non-partisan group that analyzes important economic aspects of the US healthcare system and evaluates proposed changes in the system. He is also chair of the Health Industry Forum, which brings together diverse group leaders from across the healthcare field to develop solutions for critical problems facing the healthcare system.

Modern Healthcare listed him among the 30 people who have had the most influence on healthcare over the past 30 years and named him among the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare. In June 2004, he was awarded the Academy Health Distinguished Investigator Award.

A powerful and authoritative voice in the healthcare debate, Dr. Stuart Altman shares his expertise gathered over four decades with audiences around the country.


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