THE MARK OF A LEADER – STORIES DRIVER PERFORMANCE Keynotes that leave an impression
The Mark of a Leader is a team of visionary business leaders with backgrounds in consumer packaged goods, communication, training, and event production.
We have started and built businesses from scratch, worked for global brands, and been suppliers to many of the Fortune 500 over the past 30+ years. We also all share a love of stage, screen, and music, and believe in the power of stories to impact people.
What We Do:
1. Engage your people and customers more fully
We have a foundational principle called Five Level Leadership. Its premise is that all humans operate on five levels – Spirit, Imagination, Intellect, Heart, and Hands. Only when all five of these are active are your people and customers fully engaged. And it is only when they are fully engaged that your business and people are working at their best.
2. Get everyone thinking and acting like leaders
HR studies show that in typical organizations, only 20% of the employees think of themselves as leaders. If you can increase that %, you change your business. Leadership thinking is about constantly working to improve yourself and what you do, about being accountable, and about helping others to be their best – no matter what your job is.
3. Use stories strategically
Great leaders and organizations understand the power of stories and they use them. Stories touch us on all of our levels, so they cause us to change our behaviour and we remember them. That’s why all the world’s religions are built on stories. And it’s why great companies use stories to define who they are and what they stand for, like:
· The Pirate flag on Apple’s Macintosh developers building (“We’re different”)
· The FedEx driver who rented a helicopter to deliver a package and fulfill their service promise (“Absolutely, Positively On Time”)
· Nordstrom giving a customer a refund on tires which they do not even sell (No questions asked)
Some clients simply use us to Keynote or MC a conference – a sales kickoff, a customer event, the launch of a new initiative. We use our incredible library of multimedia stories to challenge, teach, and inspire your audience to do whatever it is you want them to do. We are repeatedly told by clients and audience members that our keynotes are the best they have ever seen. Period.
Our stories show people, companies, and ideas that have changed the world, and our magic comes from how we model their success and apply it to your audience to show them how to drive their performance.
The story library includes:
· Spectacular accomplishments like Shackleton’s Endurance, Bannister’s 4 minute mile, and putting a man on the moon.
· Innovative companies like Starbucks, Apple, Cirque du Soleil, the Dabbawala of Mumbai, and Uber.
· World-changers like Sir Winston Churchill, Aung San Suu Kyi, Rosa Parks, and Pablo Picasso.
· And perspective-changing ideas using music, interactivities, comedy improv, and much more.