06 Jul Tim Sanders

Speaker: Tim Sanders
New York Times’ bestselling author, Former Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo! And Contributor to NYT, Financial Times and WSJ
Speech Topics Include:
- Relationship Power! How To Win Business & Influence People
- The Business Power Of Confident Thinking
- Emotional Talent: The Final Leadership Frontier
Keynote speaker Tim Sanders is the maverick CEO of Los Angeles tech start-up Net Minds and founder of research firm Deeper Media Incorporated. Prior to these positions, he was the Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo, as well as its Leadership Coach (2001-2005). He’s a strategic consultant to leading brands, associations and government agencies.
His background is economics, psychology and debate, giving him a rare blend of stories and science to move audiences to action. He’s weathered the Quality Movement, the Dotcom Crash and the recent downtown of 2008 – emerging stronger from the experience.
Time Magazine called him a “Public Consultant” because of his extensive pre-keynote research and highly customized advice points for groups. He’s one of the top rated speakers in the history of over twenty conferences, conventions and offsite meetings.
Tim is the author of four books, including the global best seller Love Is The Killer App: How to Win Business & Influence Friends. His second book, The Likeability Factor was featured in major media from USA Today to the New York Times. His latest book, Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence is an Inc. Magazine business bestseller. Its message: “Take control of your outlook and get your confidence back!” is right for the times.
Through all of speaker Tim Sanders’ talks, there is a thread: People are at the center of your organization. They are the keys to your company’s success or failure. They are highly emotional creatures, which presents leaders ongoing challenges. When they feel connected to you or your organization, they give more of themselves – especially to Customers.
Love is the Killer App: How To Win Business & Influence People
The most powerful force in business isn’t greed or brute force – it’s love for our customers, colleagues and partners. We show it by sharing our knowledge, our network of relationships and our compassion. When we Love is the killer app-Cover-Playdevelop a culture that emphasizes promotion of everyone’s success, stronger relationships are built and loyalty soars – delivering measurable business results.
This keynote offers new ways to mentor, connect people that should meet and approach leadership and customer service from a design point of view. Perfect for opening general sessions where knowledge sharing and networking is emphasized.
Emotional Talent: The Final Frontier Of Leadership Development
Napoleon Bonaparte is quoted as saying “the leader’s role is to define reality, then give hope.” This requires LikeabilityFactor-Cover-Playthem to augment their physical intelligence with emotional talent – the combination of self awareness, control and social interaction skills. This gives them the ability to handle pressure, maintain high quality relationships and lead teams through adversity and change. Like any other talent, it grows with practice and feedback, starting with the motivation to complete one’s development.
This keynote is based on Tim’s extensive research into leadership psychology and dozens of programs for institutes, government agencies and leading corporations. Takeaways include how to assess one’s emotional strengths, read others emotions accurately and show empathy when it matters most.
Sales Genius is a Team Sport!
To land a quality sale in today’s B2B landscape, innovation is required to cut through layers of complexity. A done deal is often 100 problems solved. This requires a collection of diverse minds collaborating together. The Dealstorming-Front Cover-Playtop performers in sales have the habit of forming teams to tackle their biggest challenges. There’s a name for this process: Dealstorming. It’s based on fifteen years of enterprise sales experience as well as interviews with 200 sales leaders.
This keynote will inspire audiences to team up when faced with adversity in the sales or client retention process. It offers takeaways on how to recruit and prepare deal-teams as well as how to cultivate deal-mentors and inside champions
TIM SANDERS - About Tim & Select Clips | Collaborative Agency Group |
TIM SANDERS - The Peril of Personal Recessions| Collaborative Agency Group |
TIM SANDERS - Saving The World At Work | Collaborative Agency Group |
TIM SANDERS - Keys To Being a Relationship Master | Collaborative Agency Group |
TIM SANDERS - How To Win With Your People | Collaborative Agency Group |