23 Jun Will Miller

Speaker: Will Miller
Cultural and Media Commentator and Comedian
- Managing A Healthy Workplace Culture: A Forward Looking Perspective for Companies, Organizations & Individuals
- Refrigerator Rights: Creating Essential Relationships
- A New Perspective on Change
Our modern American culture is fast-paced and ever-changing, causing ongoing stress in many areas of our lives. It is a well-established fact that change, any change, causes stress. In the workplace, this byproduct of our quest for success is played out in many ways: absenteeism, high turnover, decreased productivity and overall job dissatisfaction, to name a few. Ultimately, these factors negatively impact the bottom line. – Speaker Will Miller –
As a speaker Will Miller delivers a unique message of how our connections to others provide a potent source of strength in achieving life balance. His book, Refrigerator Rights, is based on 14 years of social science research in the area of culture and interpersonal relationships. His aim is to show the connection between our loss of intimacy with people in our lives and the stress and disconnection that we feel in everyday life.
Speaker Will Miller presents his inspirational message with the expertise that includes years of study and experience as well as humor. His authority of four graduate degrees and years of experience as a therapist and teacher assure his credibility as a speaker. His 15 year background in stand-up comedy, headlining at comedy clubs and working as an opening act for many celebrities, assures his gifted ability to entertain.
Dr. Will Miller is a popular speaker in the corporate world, most recently speaking to Microsoft, IBM, Citi Group, Prudential and Merrill Lynch. He currently teaches a class in Communications at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
If you are looking for someone who will energetically and humorously guide your organization from change through stress to a solution, Dr. Will Miller is the speaker who will give your audience something to truly take away.
Managing A Healthy Workplace Culture: A Forward Looking Perspective for Companies, Organizations & Individuals
Last year 45 million Americans relocated. This means that your organziation is increasingly represented by individuals who are living far away from their family & home of origin. In addition we look at television & computer screens for well over 25 hours a week.
The American worker is living a lifestyle of increasing individuality and profound media distraction. Have you factored these realities into your formula for success? Few organizations have paid enough attention to these critical variables.
Your staff are not robots – they react powerfully to the stresses of their jobs and from within their personal lives. This means productivity is profoundly affected by the state of their emotional health. Individuality & media distractions play a key role in driving their stress.
What does your organization do to keep your people balanced and healthy, so they can focus on the critical tasks at hand? This is precisely what Dr. Will Miller’s presentation addresses – bringing insight to each individual about how the lifestyle they are living is helping or hindering their capacity to produce.
Dr. Will will bring your group a stimulating & engaging keynote or seminar presentation, grounded in research, that will:
–Energize your group to step up to new challenges & goals through insights that dispel common ideas about the causes of stress
–Teach your staff the solutions to life balance and change based on research and accepted therapeutic principles
–Give your staff expert insight into the real causes of work stress that goes beyond routine motivational speeches
–Arm each person with a practical approach to make changes in their lifestyle that will empower their work, lift their mood and last a lifetime
–Have the audience laughing while they learn
The Center for Disease Control says that more than one out of three American workers describe their jobs as “extremely stressful.” That means you and your staff. What are you doing about it? Entertaining them with a feel-good speech based on pop psychology and self-help nonsense? Why not bring in a real expert on human behavior and interpersonal relationships?
– And who – by the way – is also a professional standup comedian!
Refrigerator Rights: Creating Essential Relationships
Today’s pace spells stress! Juggling career and home lives—essential to success, meaning and happiness—adds to it. How can you prosper at work and enjoy a satisfying, replenishing home life? Ask Dr. Will Miller.
He’ll deliver a lively performance-presentation packed with perspective and practical tips on achieving equilibrium. Key to that, he tells audiences, are real and claimed family—those relationships where people feel comfortable opening each others’ refrigerators. Inspiring and instructive, Dr. Will mixes message and comedy in a welcome break from technical sessions. He hits hard with insights on stresses that affect achievers, then steps away from the podium with clean, sensitive and hilarious routines to underscore his points.
Refrigerator Rights—an important message and a lively show—works well as a keynote, after-lunch, after-dinner and workshop presentation
Response to Dr. Will’s one-of-a-kind style has been overwhelming, making him one of the fastest-rising stars in the corporate market
A New Perspective on Change
Yes, you can thrive during uncertainty! That’s the message psychotherapist, family counselor and corporate-change guru Dr. Will Miller delivers.
His prescription:
–Help people deal with the changes around them
–Motivate them to pull together as a team
–Address the personal issues that come with change
Dr. Will’s medicine is easy to swallow, too, because he’s also a standup comedian. His dose of humor drives home the important steps for surviving change and meeting today’s challenges.